She walks on the lyrics, He can make even Saturn laugh, Teaming up in August this year, Life gifts 'friendship' as a souvenir. Digging deep as they interacted, Beautiful shock they extracted. Both lived on Cambridge Street, Separated by few blocks of concrete. Three summers later destiny smiles, Now, separated by oceans and million miles. Stumbled upon on cyberspace, Nurturing their talents at a steady pace. Though they dined, shopped, walked in the same air, Maybe, sipped coffee sitting in the next chair. Never saw each other all that while, Brushing those moments both smile. It's gratifying, jubilant and heartwarming, The little pavements of friendship they're forming. Humor, wit, rhyme, and verse, Have a lifelong celebration to attend. Floating with the clouds of creativity, They have the company of a great friend. *Based on a true story of two bloggers.