Mumbai is Saying...

We pronounce life more loudly, 
With every wound they inflict.
No matter how hard they try to break us,
The spirit of 'Mumbai' will always exist.
" In the memory of all those who are showering strength from heavens above."
"A tribute on the third anniversary of 26/11."


  1. Saru, A fitting tribute to those who still put a spirited fight and have a 'never die spirit'. May the scourge end soon!

  2. Very well written Saru,

    unfortunate day for so many....

  3. Thanks for writing this post...reminded me fo the dreadful 2 days when each one of us mumbaikar suffered.

  4. Touching tribute! Let's pray for them!

  5. Hope such day never come . Hope peace prevail all over the world .

  6. thats nice but I feel more than 'spirit' it is the compulsion to earn bread&butter to survive in an expensive metro

  7. A touching tribute Saru... Let them rest in peace!

  8. Yeah salute to that spirit...a solemn moment to remember those lives.

  9. sorry...but another tribute and all there mite be is another bunch of candles.

    kasab is still a beloved guest of our beloved state.

    some more people need to slapped...a lot more!

  10. Hello.
    Sadly, there might never be peace in our time. We live in a world where there exists fanatics who do not value the gift of life.

    Lovely tribute.
    Thanks for sharing.

    I'm having a party over at my blog. If you'd like to join, go Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn

  11. God Bless their Souls...No matter what, Mumbai will move on.Kudos to the spirit of Mumbai, the spirit of Life!

  12. Beautiful Saru, the words and life-affirming feelings :)

  13. The spirit of 'Mumbai' will always exist....

    Very Touchy Tribute.....

  14. I fully subscribe to your sentiments. The spirit of Mumbai has stood the test of time. But the spirit has started flagging now as was evident recently when two youngster who accosted an eve teaser gang were brutally killed while the public watched and no one came for the rescue.

  15. Oh!,very thoughtful act!,Luvly tribute to the parted souls.

  16. A time to maintain a minute's silence in memory of those lost souls.......
    A fitting tribute to the Mumbaikars


  17. The spirit of 'Mumbai' will always exist.

    lovely tribute !!

  18. Saru, the spirit of Mumbai will live forever!! :) What we also need now is justice for the people who suffered in the attacks..

    Great post yaar :)

  19. How easily it was forgotten. You brought back the memory in a positive way-"showering strength from above"

  20. The spirit definitely speaks for itself Di!!

  21. Somehow I fail to recognise the 'spirit' after a few days of the vanishes into thin air Saru.

  22. As we pay tribute, we remember, all the innocent lives lost, every brave soldier who died in honor,
    their family that lives in grief, the rescue team and all those who helped us outlive the tragedy.

  23. mumbai will exist without any fear... nice thoughts :)

    Take care and keep writing.........

  24. Appropriate move to mark in memory..
    The spirit will definitely shine,
    with nobility & humanity.Good! Saru..

  25. saru .very touchable ..........!

    bahut sad day tha ........bahut dard bhi hum wahin the jab... sab aankho ke samne aa jata hai ....:(. bahut mushkile aayi thi .............words nahi hai kuch kahane ke liye .god ne hum par kripa dikhai .

  26. very heart touching Saru.....Awesome

  27. How long are we going to praise the Mumbai's spirit ??? The reality is that Mumbai has no option but to stand up & go to work..And what about that cruel guy Kasab ? Will he ever get punished ?

  28. There are no words that can describe the loss of life, the loss of trust, and the peace that those days gifted us with, yet you have been able to write these powerful heartfelt lines. While the answer to violence can never be violence, I wonder if we are too resilient, too spirited, and too accepting. We have become immune to the joke that public life is all around us. We continue to elect corrupt and criminal public representatives, we continue to portray women as objects, and we continue to teach our children with our example that nothing matters other than material success. We accept Manu Sharmas, Ajmal Kasabs, Narendra Modis and Uma Bharatis. All we want after the blood is on the street is that someone appreciates our never-say-die spirit, our resilience, our ability to bounce back and continue accepting the hypocrisy within our selves.

    Incidents like 26/11 should make us look within ourselves to end the discrimination and inequities that we carry within our selves. Got carried away, but my backspace button has other work to do. It needs to backspace on the violence and bias that I carry within me. Thanks for waking me up, Saru.

  29. Beautifully penned!!! loved the way you have exuded the strength of Mumbaikaars.

  30. The spirit life will exist! Nice post Saru

  31. Very intense, Saru! You have conveyed the spirit of Mumbai in a beautiful way.

  32. God bless all victims and their families...the nation minus its leaders will always stand with them...

  33. heart touching!
    salute to all the martyrs.

  34. Very touching tribute. My prayers are with the families of all the great martyrs who laid down their lives for our safety and security.

  35. God Bless their souls. Excellent tribute Saru

  36. Love this post, Saru. The photo is very significant. Your line too.

  37. A wonderful tribute to a lingering Pain!

  38. Lovely post... even though it's based on a tragedy.. it's beautiful!

  39. Success lies in preventing such incidents in future and our preparedness to counter them. Not sure if we're ready in this aspect

  40. Mumbaikars have been spirited away by the 'leaders' of our great country

  41. that was so touching and well penned saru . .

  42. I was not there when it happened and I still feel that I belong somewhere there. Nicely written Saru.

  43. I still remember the day when we got the news about the mumbai blast. Only Mother India knows how she's tolerating all these things.
    Great tribute.

  44. We can only hope for the best in future... a heart warming poetry... very reflective...

  45. A real tribute to all 26/11 victims will be completed on a day when all people responsible for the attack will be punished.

  46. yep, the spirit of mumbai will always exist!

  47. Four wonderful lines.....Hope the spirit of Mumbai and the whole of India never breaks...:)

  48. Celebrate Life and Love. Hope peace prevails.

  49. May the people of Mumbai always have this spirit.

    a well written tribute.

  50. Great tribute to all those who lost their lives in that disaster. Beautifully written.

  51. It did, it does and it shall exist!
    Lovely tribute! :)

  52. Revived those horrible memories of 26/11. Very touching post....

  53. we lost officers due to faulty equipment is that resolved??are we doing enough for those that are protecting us? Do we forget and carry on with our lives too soon without making things right...U bet We do...LEts come into action with corrupt officials who put our lives at risk to fill their pockets. Accountability for our Tax paying citizens...

  54. Cant believe I missed this post :)
    Good one,Saru

    No matter how hard they hit,
    we will stand staight and tall
    spirit not broken a bit
    always ready to face it all

  55. Touching spirit!

    Remembering the history!

  56. A poignant reminder of that faithful day. We shall never forget.

  57. A kind heart who remembers and dedicates this very good poetry full of spirit and emotions... I know they rest in peace now... us? We are still here and we always remember the history, I hope peace would eventually conquer the world :)

  58. Nice tribute to the spirit of mumbai... I only hope that it never happens again, not in mumbai, not in any part of the world!

  59. You Might Also Like section brings me to this page. Nice Post I would say, being a Mumbai-kar.. :) thanks for writing something bout us, being miles away!

  60. Nice Post !

    But I still feel a little different now that Kasab is still alive while the victims and their families got punished for no reasons :

    Its time we answer back !
    And put our point right down their veins
    its time we let make them face,
    the scream of death and the way it pains.
    for how long shall we light candles ?
    for how long shall we pardon the sinners ?
    and how long shall we allow the blunder..
    and bury our sorrow and remorse down under...
    for one day, it will explode..
    and one day , we will say 'no more'
    so why not today , why not now ?
    show them we too punish and show them how !
    Take out the guilty on the Mumbai roads ...
    drop him between those, he hurt the most....
    between the people who lost their own..
    let him face their anger
    coz since that black day,each moment,it has grown !

  61. I beg to differ. The "spirit of Mumbai" is no more than the 'majburi' of Mumbai to keep earning its bread and butter even though there are deadbodies strewn around.

  62. Sadly...The country isn't heading towards a particularly bright future..It pains me to be so skeptic..But the facts and figure are just too demotivating....

  63. A great tribute...
    That day can never be forgotten...

  64. Life goes on..
    all what left is dates and memories.


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