Art, it is...

Words, they are burning inside all of us, dying to come out.”...Someone quoted this to me on my Indiblogger thread. And, I believe, it’s true for every writer. I read a lot and I have read all the works of Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Jeffery Archer, Sidney Sheldon and Chetan Bhagat, to name a few. Not only books, I love music as well. From Mozart to Beethoven and from R. D. Burman to A. R. Rehman, I soak myself so much into their work, that at times I start comparing. At times, I feel Beethoven’s work is louder than Mozart’s. And, Rehman lacks the earthy feel which Burman’s music carry.

The moment I become judgemental, I die as an artist. But then I think, they all should thank me for judging, comparing and criticizing. Beethoven should thank me for listening to ‘Moonlight Sonata’ so many times and saying that it has a boring beginning as compared to ‘Symphony 9.’ And, Sidney should thank me for hating ‘Sands of Time’ as I know he produced marvels like ‘Tell me your dreams’ and former lacks thrill. I have every right to say anything and everything to them. They owe me big’s because of people like me that they are famous or immortal.

When I started blogging in June’ 2011, I knew only two bloggers - Amitabh Bachchan and Lisa Ray. I knew nothing except for the free publishing tool. I combined my writing abilities with my professional intelligence. The latter helped me in marketing my blog, making it visible and gaining audience. Slowly, I witnessed many negative things about blogging, but I chose to remain uncorrupted. I did it on purpose. I wanted to enjoy my journey as a blogger. As when I write a poem, I ‘live’ every word of it. I smile; I laugh and sometimes curse myself for writing bad.

Yesterday I came to a realisation. Though it has no negative connotations, but it is for sure, a loophole in blogging. Why we say lovely things about someone’s post? Why don’t we say what we actually feel? I received my first criticism on a poem which I wrote in 12th standard, by a young lady. She proved that she is an admirer of art and she posses the knowledge to evaluate it. She is like me who reads so much that the words are burning inside her like a volcano.

For the love of art, let’s be a curator who would exhibit his intelligence over a subject with a sense of responsibility. And, we all should have the dignity of accepting the criticism. Just like we don’t take compliments to our head, we should not take criticism to our heart. However, we should absorb everything to make our work better.

As ‘art’, it is...criticism will only polish it.


  1. It's quite ironic, but I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. I know we like to encourage people by providing positive feedback but I think the constructive criticism could also play a beneficial role. Maybe even more so than some of the positive reflections do. Good article, Saru :-)

    1. I agree with you. I will be looking forward to some criticism from you from now onwards. It would be great to learn something from you...:)

      Thanks for sharing your views...:)

  2. WoW! I'm actually first he he :D

  3. Saru, without but judgmental, I loved your post as it was truth! Sometimes the truth hurts hence people do not always convey the exact feelings, as in real life too! We should thank those who criticize us to see the areas where we can improve upon:)

    1. I think it depends on the language in which you convey your thoughts. If you are blunt, people will not like it. I have received many and everyone was extremely polite. Thus, helped me in building a strong relationship with them.

      Thanks a ton for sharing your views Sir...:)

  4. the thing that struck me as soon as i opened your blog and saw the post was, "hey this Saru's first post as in post, not poem"
    ok so my first reaction after reading the piece was "she writes good. wonder why she always says she cant write an essay/post,that writing 100 words is a way more difficult task than writing a poem'

    and agree that sometimes a "critique' helps way more than a cursory polite comment

    1. Sujatha, I felt no one is interested in reading my articles. So, I decided not to. Also, writing poems is far more easier than writing a prose.

      A good critique always welcome. But, at times negative comments are more powerful. I was watching Mr Bachchan's interview and he said Pritish Nandy did a full page article on him titled 'Finished' once and kept that page with him on his desk for a long time. He said, 'It helped me in gaining prespective.'

    2. yes, i watched that interview of BigB too and remember that Pritish nandy article

    3. I love watching such interviews. We learn a lot from it...:)

  5. Is being judgmental same as being critical? How often have you criticised the blogs you visit? Would agree with Rahul Bhatia's comment. There are bloggers who invite criticism and when criticised, they feel that you are not qualified to do so!
    Love visiting your blog!

    1. No Sir, it's different...

      I have criticized many and to my surprise all of them took note of what I said. People invite criticism and then don't like it??? Quite surprising to me. I would love to hear anything at all. I think we should be gracious enough to accept everyone's opinion.

      Thanks for writing...:)

  6. It is important to say how we truly feel. I agree with that. I have to say that along with the truth should come reason. It is unhealthy to critique if you can not add reason to it. I never tell my art students that their project doesn't work without explaining what their images are lacking. What principles and elements are not working effectively? Too many that critique throw out, "I like it," "I hate it," or "It doesn't work." Explain why.

    Sometimes I dislike something because the image, song or writing seems disconnected. It's as if two different artists worked on it. The unity isn't there.

    I have to say I never say that I like something if I don't. I'm true to the critique. If I dislike something I'll say that to. I will add a back up of why though.

    1. You made a very interesting point, we should attach a reason. I think I will work on that aspect as a blogger.

      I know you always say the truth. Thanks for sharing your views Alissa...:)

  7. :) Good that you spoke...theres a lesson here for everyone...constructive criticism is always welcome..any other form of criticism esp those intended to pull someone down or demotivate someone is simply unfair and must be repealed with every thought and emotion available...I mean lets face it only those who have appreciated your work when you did well have the right to criticize your work when you dont live upto their standards...thats their way of saying "I know you can do a lot better"

    1. Right, as I said in my post because I read all the authors with so much passion and I have read all their works; I have every right to say anything to them. Also, when someone is a regular reader, he has the right to say his mind. I would add that he should the knowledge of the art too.

      Also, for some of my poems credit goes to you for being a good critic.:) :) :)

  8. Prose and not poetry! Wow.. I loved to see this post on yoour blog..
    My take:
    I think, art is a very personal effort. There are heights reached in poetry, in painting, in music, and that is the reason why, subtle and small attempts, at times are compared to the higher ones and written to be 'unprofessional'.
    But, I think, simply EXPRESSING is art. They way I do it, is my take on my expression. If the other person doesn't agree, then totally fair, it's his EXPRESSION.
    But no art is bad.. All art forms, are mere expressions, and all are GOOD.

    For example, consider a blogger, or a writer who only abuses when he writes. It would surely be very ugly to me, if I read it.. But if someone who is in exact frame of mind as the writer was, then he would find it beautiful... or empathize with the piece of expression.. So, it really differs.

    The expression is NEVER flawed! The understanding is!

    So yes, there are loopholes in blogging too! I think one should also consider, the loopholes in commenting or giving feedback as well.
    Because the one who critisizes, clearly states a personal opinion.. and that is entirely based on the fact that he/she has read a better art form, and liked it more..

    I don't think criticism, is valid in the first place. Because, it involves comparison. The best critic is oneself. Rest all are simply judging! Which is not really ones job, because none is actually qualified.

    So the moral is.. EXPRESS, no matter whatever way you want!! :)

    1. I think there are two things; one is choice, you choose to read someone and second is understanding. If only you understand any art form you will follow it.

      Mi, when I said criticism, even in the article I was comparing the works of the same author/artist. Also, I seriously feel that if you are regular reader you have the right to say anything. Suppose if you say that my poem is not good, I will accept it.

      Of course, you should never quit expressing ourselves.

  9. So true! What an honest post! I think one of the problems is that people being people, they do tend to take criticism personally - sometimes being unable to separate criticism given in good faith to help one grow from a personal insult...

    1. I think as an artist we should detach ourselves if we want to learn and grow.

  10. Yeah, even I feel criticism is different from being judgmental. Someone being judgmental might not help us, but criticism will surely give us a new perspective towards our own work. As a creative person, one should expect and make use of criticism from various corners. But there's no need to encourage degrading views.

    I found this post as a classy response! Loved the last line! :)

    1. True, it gives us another perspective. It gives an area where we can improve.

      Thanks for liking the last line...:)

  11. Truth written in a subtle way. I agree with people complimenting our writings even when they are bad. And no matter how hard, taking criticism in a positive way is truly an art in itself!

    1. I feel if you know your work then you will take the criticism in a positive way. Also, if you want to grow you should know how to make the best use of every kind of feedback...

  12. Art is what art is. Art cannot be criticized because it does not judge. You can't call your retina names if you see a colour in a particular light.

    :) great post

    1. Art can be criticized but you need to be an expert or have a passion for it. This is one reason we have art critics. Saying something just for the sake of it is not acceptable.

      Thanks for writing dear:)

  13. When it comes to criticizing a piece of art, I usually refrain from making any comment unless something seems glaringly wrong with it. This is only because, sometimes, I think an artist produces something that might be beautiful and may be "beyond my capacity" to understand it(*at that point of time*). There have been times I've read posts I couldnt relate-to initially but later at some point grew to appreciate it.

    Opinions vary and like you said, should always be honestly put across. It helps the artist grow as a person. There's always something 'more' that we miss out while creating something and feedback (positive as well as negative) helps.
    But before leaving a negative feedback, I think, we must carefully weigh our words and be sure that the work calls for criticism.
    Like spiritual sherpa says, only people who have appreciated and understood your work have the right to criticize it.That's their way of saying you can do better and helps the artist evolve.
    But agreed, criticism is sometimes necessary to polish an artist. Its important to prevent complacence as well.
    BTW....I love the way , you can put across serious points with a positive tone to it. I always leave this page with a smile. ALWAYS. :)
    That itself is an art...:)

    1. For criticizing art, you need to understand it. I would never write a film review as I hardly know anything about movies. Also, it's a serious thing. You can't just say something. You need to give reasons for it. It shows your grip over the subject. Or if you are regular reader, your understanding of the author's style and intellectual.

      Honestly, I loved reading your comment. You have a sensible approach towards life.

      Thanks for writing. Always a pleasure reading your views...:)

  14. Hey Saru, nice to see a different type of post from you, a welcome change. :)

    I think that we don't really comment mean things or what we exactly feel on a post is because we know what ever we say is going to be read by the person we comment on. So being polite and kind helps in maintaining a friendship (or in this case, you might get a nice comment back on your blog). Its not a bad thing at all but its true we are not being very honest in that sense.

    As you said we criticize A.R Rehman or Sidney Sheldon for their work but are you criticizing them directly to their face? Maybe if you do get a chance to critique them directly, you might take a much more polite or a diplomatic stance, wouldn't you? :)

    1. I think I would, if they ask me...(Sidney is no more, May he rest in peace)

      But, the only thing is I always weigh my language. I read somewhere that people are blunt while criticizing. I won't do that. Also, I have criticized bloggers and they have been very receptive. If I strongly feel something needs to be changed, I just say it. As I said I weigh my words, many would take it as being diplomatic. But, for me, it is saying something in such a language that we convey our views without hurting someone.

  15. nice post .every individual hase their own judement.

  16. "Just like we don’t take compliments to our head, we should not take criticism to our heart." Wise words!
    Nice piece of writing...indeed:)

  17. there was a similar post regarding criticism elsewhere, but the flip side of the coin. in the vein of "why do you bother commenting if you've nothing but destructive comments to offer?"

    while that IS true, i do believe that criticism should be mature, more in constructive sense, less in the destructive sense.

    1. Yeah, it should be done with a sense of responsibility...BTW, I won't mind anything at all provided it is true...:)

  18. Nice to read prose from u for a change...
    I enjoy criticism but it's hard to criticize a story or a poem, majorly the content of mine and ur blog respectively, coz it's personal thing.
    I started blogging 3 years ago and I started with politics. Not a single comment on my posts were supportive. Not that I was a worse writer than I am now, but because readers could easily criticize my opinions and that used to lead to lengthy heated debates on my posts. Now, it's harder with the genre we write for.
    Also, I have never seen a negative comment from u on any blogs. Now, there is a chance that missed them or people try to be as polite to u as you are on their posts :)

  19. I would also like to learn ur professional prowess that made ur blog so popular, something that u faintly mentioned in this post.
    May be an idea for your next post. You can give it the title "issued in public interest " :) :)

    1. First, I receive a lot of criticism. I get mails...Someone once wrote to me that my writing have no quality at all. Second, people criticize poems and stories. I have seen many who would question your thought process as a writer.

      Politics is a very sensitive issue. People have extreme views and they are very vocal.

      My professional prowess is not something worth an entire post. I visited many blogs and connected well with some...:) In fact there are many bloggers who don't visit my blog and I am a power visitor on theirs...:)

  20. Superb !! oh no too bad :D :P
    ..very well said that we must accept criticism as it help us refine our Art :)

    Criticism is more often than not disguised appreciation :)

    1. Well said...I know you always take it in a positive way...:)

  21. Nice post... Its true dat we always say good things abt someone's work.. To be honest when I don't like something then I don't appreciate it but prefer to shut my mouth rather then criticizing it though :-P..

    1. Please feel free to write what you feel on my blog. I will be more than delighted to read your views Sonia...:)

  22. the thing i feel is that here because people dont really know each other that well, they wud not want to go out and say something to someone, even if its in good intent, because they dont know how the other person will react.

    1. I agree but you should do it when you feel that person will take it in a positive manner. You can criticize mine...:)

  23. Very well written post. ooopppsss I did exactly what you did not want me to do LOL. But that is what came to my mind in the first place.
    Criticism or evaluation should be unbiased and non-judgmental to have a good impact. When you listen well and criticize the art of great artists just because you love art, then it is fine.
    But that is not the case always. Imagine another poetry blogger who is not famous or loved like you, will start criticizing you for getting attention just because you are pretty and woman, or for trying to lure bloggers to your posts but blindly promoting them etc etc then it does not work out good. Criticism by people who are jealous of you and who persist in insulting you can pull down many people. I have seen this happen too often at all age groups.
    I have come over to your blog very often because I love your simple expressions which makes us feel bonded with you soon. When people use huge words and complicated sentences, we may admire them for being a genius but we cannot connect with them. There, I called you not a great genius and criticized you ;).

    1. LOL...I know and I have witnessed what you said. You need to understand art and write a criticism with a sense of responsibility. Also, as Alissa said, we need to give reasons.
      Once I told someone to use shorter sentences and he did that. Now, he has evolved as a writer. BTW, people have criticized me for writing less complicated and simple poems. They say I have no quality...:)

      I accept it graciously....I keep my intelligence and high sounding words to my work...:) :) :)

      Thanks for calling me 'not a great genius' ;)

  24. wat u said is true Saru..
    our work being liked, makes us happy, but criticism actually tells us where, we stand and wat we lack.. It's so necessary to b honest bout our opinions.. if u happen to not like sumthing on my blog.. please let me know :)

    btw: i'd like to read ur 12th std poem...
    But, I hav a hitch that I may like it, for d very reason tat im not dat person who criticized it.. V all r diffrnt..

    but v shud always b who we r :)

    1. I will do that for sure and expect the same from you. This is the poem I was referring to:

      Hope you find the flaws...:)

  25. You have written articles before and I have read them as well, and yes I do wonder, why you don't write more of these? This is a lovely piece!(cliched considering the content of your blog :-))

    Yes we do the praise stuff more than the critic stuff as a reader. But sometimes people find it hard to show faults, just as it is difficult for people to accept those faults! Happens with me! Most of the times I feel that I am not adequate enough to point out faults in the language or content of a certain blogger! But if there is a difference of opinion, I try to show it out subtly, without annoying the blogger :-)
    Depends on the blogger as well, as to how he/she takes it!

    If I really don't like it, I try and not comment at all.

    1. Language matters a lot while commenting. You can't say to someone that you are terribly wrong. If you are publishing something and want readers, you should accept their opinion too.

      And please don't be quiet here, say whatever you feel like:) :) :)

  26. "Just like we don’t take compliments to our head, we should not take criticism to our heart." --> So true Saru. This thought has crossed my mind many times but always on the whim. Never thought of writing about it!

    Without saying anything very very long which everyone has said in comments, I'll just say a comment must be on the opinionated side and constructive criticism should be used to make your work better. Being judgmental is inevitable but converting criticism into sycophancy is not a wise choice. Right? :)

    1. Agree...It should be done after understanding the work and with a sense of responsibility. BTW, blogging world is full of sycophants...:)

  27. OS true.. But as with everything we are too afraid to offend someone and those who do it take it too far ..

    I have some friends who visit my blog and do give negative points which i think is good ,as only with help of everyone one can learn to be better.

    and what i hate most is those two words .. Nice one .. very nice . .I mean how long does it take to actually READ The whole Article and appreciate or give good advice or constructive criticism..

    the race to make sure that you comment so the other person comes to your blog to comment is very common..


  28. I have gone to blogs and read and when i have not understood I have written , about it .. Especially hindi ones I am not good in hindi so I write on what i understand ..

    I do make a point to comment but after reading the whole post, there are a lot of people out there who dont read what one has written but as i said to make sure they get a visit they comment something which is very different to what the post says ..

    1. Sometimes, it is what they have understood but I agree sometimes people don't read. I think we should not indulge in number race on the blogs. I have seen many who like to increase their pageviews and followers. Blogging is all about sharing and exchanging views. Hope we understand and appreciate it in spirit.

      I am done with 'Nice Poem' 'Lovely post' etc etc...I am not visiting such bloggers who write two words...

  29. Well said Saru. Compliments as well as constructive criticism are both essential to development & growth ! I agree we rarely see criticisms - perhaps bloggers do not wish to offend. Or perhaps they simply leave a fleeting remark without fully reading/understanding a post.

    1. It is both at times. Most common reasons which avert many from writing their views.

  30. I think an artist creates an art only for himself/herself. To satisfy one's own self is his motivation. Once the art is created, it is open to scrutiny for everyone. Some like it. Some don't. Some like parts of it. Some like the effort. Some like it for its simplicity and some like its for its complexity. Some like it in parts. The eyes that see the arts are different and hence the meaning. But, the true meaning and beauty of the art always lies with the creator. He/She knows its true worth.

    So, most of the feedback which comes his/her way for his/her art is only a part of the whole and not the complete whole. He/She welcomes everything with open arms and tries to improve its work for its own satisfaction rather than others.

    For my poems, I have a few friends who don't necessarily comment on my post, but drop in to through other channels and bluntly, but, in their own way, say whether they liked it or not..what they think of it. I think, it all depends on what kind of relationship the creator and the one who sees it share. Most of the time, we don't know how a criticism will be taken. So we refrain from saying words which we think might be unpleasant. That said, I don't think I have ever left a dis honest comment. If something didn't appeal to me, I silently left, knowing that this piece of creation was close to the one who created it and some other pair of eyes will appreciate it more than I do. :-)

    P.S - I came here expecting another poem! :D

    1. I am what you said in the first paragraph. I write for myself first. Sharing does give unparalleled happiness. And I do criticize when I feel strongly about something.

      Also, it surely depends on the relationship. When Prayukth says my poem is worth not even pennies, I take it positively. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

      Next post is a quartet supporting a noble cause. Please share your opinion...:)

  31. I also started blogging by the same time when you started...:) I was actually surprised that this was not a poem. But you nailed it. I am very frank in telling what I feel but in a less critical way. If I feel that something needs an appreciation, I am the first to do so and that too an honest one and not a fake one.

    You really can write something else other than poetry. Hope to see some more like this...:)

    1. I think I was among the first few on your blog. :)

      It's always good to be honest. And, I was scared while hitting the publish button. I thought nobody will read it...

  32. It is true. But I am not sure how criticism of Art is taken in this world of blogging. I mean there are people with different maturity levels, tastes and preferences and choices. What is criteria for us to judge the authenticity for a good/bad comment.. mostly we have none. It often happens that the comments get corrupted and manipulative but knows!

    I also wonder if one should not have comments at all. I mean no author gives the reader an additional page to scribble his/her views. The author does what can be done and goes ahead and publishes it.

    I do not know if many people blog because of the love for art. Most of the do so for popularity or because it is a fad to followed.

    I leave this post with a confused mind. But I get what you are trying to convey through this post. It is something worth giving a thought.

    1. Yes, criticism is not taken very positively in the blogging world. It often takes an ugly shape. But, I am trying to tell and convince my readers to do it. And, I will accept it as I will understand the sensibilities of people from different walks of life.

      Comments should be there. I blog for my love of art and honestly I don't check my page views. Rather I look for comments. In the true sense, blogging is all about sharing and getting views of your readers. If someone is crazy for followers, go and tweet. Follow, you will be followed back there...Leave Blogging...

      Thanks for sharing your views Sam...:) :) :)

  33. Saru, it appears you indulge a forum discussion…good!
    However, I like to point out that by virtue of an potential Art..Intelligence & application of marketing strategy has invited some trouble... Isn’t! That is inevitable consequence by law of science..:)

    Thanks for the opportunity to convey, that I do not judge, criticize or compare a ‘Blogger’, because it is not my lookout what others do & till enjoying the benefit of free identity and privilege of free movements. Even, have no right to judge unless being capable of doing what one does than me…
    Hope to see you back to your own rhythm…

    1. I appreciate your opinion Sir. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Next post is a poem for a noble cause...:)

  34. Very true! We never take criticisms in the right spirit. I found it real tough in the beginning, but now have learned the trade:)

  35. As ‘art’, it is...criticism will only polish it.

    So true...I always take criticism in a constructive way but only when it comes from ppl who matter. Sometimes ppl have this way fo judging others without even knowing them...and thats what irritates me.

    1. Yeah, that is not a healthy way of doing it. Constructive criticism is always welcome...

  36. well said....there are people who criticize as well, I received many, which made me better...but not all people are like you who has the guts to take criticism... they feel sad, one reason why not many want to criticize and hurt people...

    1. I have received many...but as a blogger we should learn it to take into your stride. It will refine your art...:)

  37. Well at last a POST with paragraphs and not a poem :P
    Very true and yes i totally agree with what you have said :)

  38. I totally do not disagree with this post! ;)
    Polishing comments are always a welcome... its great to read compliments, but even better when ppl point out both the good and the bad!

    1. Right and I think serious bloggers should indulge in that...:)

  39. Saru - The lady with playing words.....always love ur writings

  40. What you say is so true...keep blogging! :)

  41. I wanted to write some critical comments. But I didn't find any! You said it well!!

  42. This poem is as good as any other poem of yours. :) Being able to handle constructive criticism is not only important for an artist but for all human beings in all walks of life. It is because we act out scripts that say things should be this way or that way that we suffer when things are not. Nice to hear you speak out on this, Saru. Growth begins when blaming ends. I wish everyone would be able to acknowledge that.

    1. I agree, we need to imbibe it in life too. Even I wish so...Thanks for your comment...:)

  43. yes, you certainly are one of the most popular bloggers around-and also right on the fact that we have a right to judge the celebs be it actors, writers, musicians, etc on their work...and why just them, even the bloggers whom we read-I find it very difficult to say good things when I am not impressed by a post...neither do I comment every time...

    Most people commenting haven't even read the post properly often and you can tell them fro the others...
    I think you made complete sense:-)

    1. I know what comment means the moment you read it. I think we learn to read in between words as a blogger. I wish you have more honesty attached to this facet of blogging...

  44. I didn't like when I saw your link in the email, I thought you are asking for feedback on a post? you out of your mind? Now, I read this.

    Well, I rather not say anything. My opinion on the matter is well known and I have shunned people off my blog who couldn't care enough to be straight forward.


    1. Fair enough...Be honest to yourself and others...

  45. A very unique and different post from you. In fact the first article I have seen from you. But the topic you have chosen is indeed a very important one.

    And I agree with you that criticism definitely improves an artist (provided he/she is looking out for it and takes it positively). And compliments can either make us strive to write something better or get lethargic and produce something substandard.

    Both criticism and appreciation are double edged swords and they work for you only if given/received in the right spirit. :)

    1. I agree...Right spirit is indeed very important. Also, if you wish to grow, you will take everything positively.

      This is not my first article. I write poetry better than prose so I keep myself limited to it. BTW, I was worried that nobody will read it...

  46. It is very true that rather than commenting the way we actually feel, we often tip toe and turn diplomatic. This is what I really hate and I have always wished if somebody would ever judge my works critically because I would like myself to lift from the barriers I have been trapped in.

    1. Even I am asking for criticism for the same reason...Thanks for writing Anshul!

  47. You're tagged in my post- Visit-


  48. As a student of literature and as person who's deeply interested in Literary criticism I have great curiosity in knowing how people view and comment and appreciate any piece of art. I think this post expressed a great deal about how you see art and I feel happy that you are receptive to criticisms:) Well behind any creation or craft there will be a drop of "Externalization of the artist's internal flavour", whether or not the piece is genuine! Let's be able to distinguish just criticism and unjust criticism! "An unjust criticism is an indirect compliment! "
    Well analysed Saru. It's a relevant piece:)

    1. I know your love for literature which is always reflected in your work. Unjust criticism is a compliment in disguise...:)

      Thanks for appreciating the post!

  49. Critics are few and not everyone has it in them to be a critic of an art work, a piece of article, a photograph or anything, so they just keep shut or write polite comments to make the other person happy.I myself never do it, if I feel something should be improved I always try and say that to the blogger whom I am reading, he or she may take it in the right sense or sometimes may not.

    1. Right, as I said it should be done with a sense of responsibility and you should have the knowledge of art. I feel we should take it in right way and improve our work.

  50. I don't know whether you read Numbers Game on my blog. I think I gave the answer.

  51. i have just given a comment voicing my true feelings -with a lot of trepidation...bcoz i see superlatives in almost all d comments i read...right after that comment i come across your mind is a bit easy now.

    1. Good that you are honest Indu. I really admire people like you...:) Please share your honest views on my blog too...:) :) :)

  52. No one is perfect. But some are more perfect than others. I keep browsing countless blogs and keep falling upon forced rhymes and awkward, hopeless strings. I move ahead just as most of us would. I stop by yours as you have a fine gift for the verse. The very fact that you get comments means you have done well. That said, there have been times I have been frank and I have said as much to, yes, famous bloggers. So there!

    1. I know it's difficult being honest. The bigger the name, the bigger the controversy. Happy to hear your views on my blog. Quite encouraging as against those who feel simple verses lacks quality.

  53. Being a critic comes quite naturally to everyone but constructive criticism is a rarity.When I dont like a blog or something it says,I just dont comment on it.The last thing I want is to hurt someone's feelings or sentiments and I always wonder if I really got what one had to say about it.
    I like the fact you raised this point coz it means you honestly want to improve your blog.Good blogpost.

    1. I really want to improve and I am pretty receptive to every kind of feedback. Thanks for appreciating...:)

  54. i think you are right....crticism always helps if taken by the 'criticised' in the good sense....depends on attitude

    and a debate will help both of them to make their views clear...sometimes writer doesn't find enough words to do justice with his views, that can be known to the reader when there is a debate...good one

    i was surprised to see an article by you..keep writing:)

    1. That's a new perspective. You added a new dimension to the entire debate.

      Even I was surprised at myself...:)

  55. Pen is always mightier than sword. So, beware of words for they can kindle the spirits of millions. It's the inner self and creativity that gives life to words. So, as a writer don't hesitate to be innovative and once again hats off to ur lovely post that tells a lot about u and ur burning passion.........

    1. Pen is surely mightier than sword. Words should be used with great caution. Thanks for reading Ram...:)

  56. Tell Me You Dreams is one of my all time favourite novels!!:)) I was blown away with its revelations. And it was more surprising as i had absolutely no idea that MPD existed in the first place. Oh the amount of casestudies, pages n pages of text on the matter that i read after that novel was not funny:P
    I can criticise art only if I know enough about the particular art form. I do point out any immediate flaws i find out in any of my friends' photographs, sometimes do that on blogs too. Not many people accept the criticism graciously, which in a way defeats the purpose, but some take it to the extent of calling you names for the criticism.
    With poetry, i never was much of a poetry person, but thanks to blogs like yours, i have started reading them. Although i am still learning the finer nuances of poetry and do indulge in writing limericks when i am in the mood, I still have a long way to go to fully grasp this art form.
    But yeah completely agree on the aspect of getting constructive criticism on the blog. it does help you improve on many aspects.
    Take care

    1. Same with me as I can never criticize a photography blog. I don't know how to hold a camera. I agree criticism can turn ugly in blogosphere, have seen it...

      But, when you see a mature blogger who has a passion for his art, you should go and tell your perspective. I do that and people are receptive.

      Thanks for sharing your views Nimesh...:)

  57. words (criticism) have the power to polish one's art, true! I am not the right person to find flaw on others so I would always stick to pick positive things in one's art and I leave criticism to those who love to do that.. As usual I loved your writing, thought not to leave a comment as I do always, then just to let you know 'There is no need of criticism when words flow from the heart' What say because English is just a tool (language) to express what your heart says... Agree????

    Someone is Special

    1. Language is a fine way of expressing what's in your heart. Why only language??? Any art form would come under this umbrella.

      Thanks for sharing your views Sarvana...:) Always great to hear from you...:)

  58. When I started blogging on Shadows Galore, my writing was almost blunted and words came out after loads of effort. But in the last few months, I feel the change. I have evolved too and can narrate a story without fumbling for words. Now all I want is to revive my earlier blog which was less about stories and more about myself :)

    1. Good to hear that you evolved as a blogger...
      Keep writing...:) :) :)

  59. Saru, This was a question I had asked years ago when I was in Public Speaking.. Why do we only say good things.. The answer was two fold.. One to motivate the other person to continue speaking, two, many people do not know how to criticize.. I believe both are correct in their own respect and for the years spent in Public speaking, have also seen people being totally hurt when criticized.

    That restricts many from saying the truth, however I do agree with you on your note, that when some one has written something that is not really upto the mark, if you dont know how to say it, leave it.. Similar to: Agar aapko kisikey liye accha nahin kehna aata, to bura bhi mat kahiye.

    1. Actually, criticism helps a lot in improvising the work. But the bottom line is the language in which you criticize. You should not say bad things about someone. Just tell them they have a potential to grow...

  60. Even i have seen people 'usually' commenting good things on a post regardless of the fact they like it or not, understand it or not! So i usually turn to my close frnds (who arent bloggers) for criticism and loopholes.
    yes, but there is a second side to it too, that how can me as a an amateur bloggers be judgmental or criticize a post written with much love and thought by someone? this is what usually restricts us from saying negative things about a post.
    Anyways , i love ur poetry and I knw cant write even half as good as there is NO WAY u will be receiving any criticism from me. sorry :P


    1. Sarah, you can surely say anything on my poems. You write so beautifully, you know your words and I do expect to tell me where I lack...

      Thanks for your comment...:)

  61. Its very true “Words, they are burning inside all of us, dying to come out” and criticism always help to improve..

  62. wow saru .........yeh sabhi ke antarman ki awaj hai .jo tumne prastut ki .:):)
    sabhi ka najariya alag-alag hota hai ..par yah bhi satye hai ki criticism se aage badhne ki prerna milti hai.....hum hamari sharpness ko badhti hai ......kai bar hurt hota hai par ......its view of every person we can't change the view but we can show all words ........lies with in our heart . nice expressive thoughts and feeling . i love words .....:):):)

    1. We get hurt sometimes but slowly we try to accept. You should understand the opinion of that person and write better next time. Thanks for sharing your views Shashi...:)

  63. Nice post.
    Quiet thought provoking. Judging, comparing and criticizing has been born with art and will die with it, one can only hope to learn and take good from it. :)

    1. Well said Vinay and thanks for that insightful line...:)

  64. agree to what you are saying . . criticism as long as its put across in a less humiliating way is acceptable..infact it would definitely do more good than harm , if at all any

    1. I agree with you Sir...Thanks for sharing your views...:)

  65. You've got a surprise.. Check out..

  66. You're a gem of a person. You have a mature, positive outlook towards every negative feeling in this world. It makes me respect you.

    As per criticism here, I somehow wonder whether the encouraging comments are real or not ? I write for myself, I do like people to read me though but the satisfaction I earn is my own. I might be bad but knowing that from another person would be a gift.

    Very thoughtful this article of yours was.

    1. Even I write for myself. As I said in my post I live every word I write. Knowing the opinion of your readers is important as they teach you. They teach you about the art and if you imbibe the positives, you will surely grow as a person.

      Thanks for reading and sharing your views...:)

  67. It all depends, Saru, on people. Most people lack the knowledge to be critics. Others lack the courage. It's fine to say good things and maintain the relationships, yu see.

    1. Just to maintain relations, we shouldn't lie. Bloggers share their passion and if someone is saying something which is worth, we should accept it. If we don't have the courage to accept it. We should learn it as it will help us to grow.

  68. Sometimes after reading few lines of a post we realize that it's not our dish but at the same time we're too non-strict to do what we should do in such situation (get out of the page silently)... so we remain in no position to criticize the author, what we can do at most and think ethical is to write few good words to boost his/her blogging spirit ;-)

    1. Criticize if you know about it. If you possess the intellect to make that work better with your words, only then it's fair to indulge.

  69. "For the love of art, let’s be a curator who would exhibit his intelligence over a subject with a sense of responsibility" Good thoughts! Criticism is essential to polish!

    1. It is indeed...:) Hope to listen what you feel for my work in future...:)

  70. I would like to comment on 2 things -
    1. Blogging has a lot of loopholes. When I wrote about it the first time, I lost some loyal readers, which I then realized, mentioning about a loophole is in itself another loophole.. :D
    2. Criticism should always be taken in the right spirit.. Unfortunately, in the blogging world, it hardly happens..

    PS: From June' 11 till now, you already have a huge follower list yaar!!

    1. 1 I know it has many and I was voicing my opinion on what I faced.

      2 It should always be taken with a positive outlook to improve your work. I hope we become more receptive to opinions as bloggers.

      BTW, I don't have a huge list Binu...:)

  71. Ok... Someday. :D

    Well, of course, the biggest problem is, at-least for me, you perhaps don't know the writer well enough in such situations.

    1. Yeah, that is a problem most of the times. But someday when know me better, please write which you think is not right in my work...:)

  72. True. Some comment only when they like something, so will be always positive.

    1. :) I think they should comment honestly, positive or negative...:)

  73. Criticism let us improve on our work, and they are as necessary as the praise..i always liked your blog .. keep writing.

  74. This is one straight from the heart post. When people comment negatively I guess we should just take that as a positive note happening on your blog - the idea is get as much interaction as possible provided the person knows the limits.

    Just discovering Indiblogger and glad I found you. Voted for your post there too. and following you via twitter and GFC.


    1. Great take on the topic Kajal. Thanks for sharing and connecting...:)

  75. compliment me and i already know what i am ..

    criticize me and i 'll know how better i can be...

    that's what i believe in ..

  76. i hope my previous comment makes any sense .. :P

    1. It makes a lot of sense Rahul. And, I think we put it across really well...:)

      Thanks :)

  77. hmmmm no matter how hard i tried i coudnt find any point to criticize in this particular post:(i have rcvd comments from a few critics and have taken them in my stride:)

    1. Even I have received many Alka and it's always good for us to take that in our stride...:)

  78. write your heart out is the import here. and i so concur with it. also i feel most, now, do speak their heart only. i think the comments are now less corrupted (please note the emphasis on the relative 'less' here :D ), so yeah less corrupted with feigned eulogies. or maybe i am viewing the world with rose coloured spectacles! :D

    1. I don't know Stuti. I think we still lack honesty in commenting...Wish I have those colored glasses, world will be less flawless..:)

  79. Welcome back Ash...Every aspect is important...Thanks for reading...:)

  80. I am sorry for being late here.
    By your this beautiful post I could know
    your way of thinking about blogging
    and criticism.I fully appreciate your approach.
    Healthy praising and criticism with positive approach
    may help a lot in blogging to grow.
    Please visit my blog for 'मेरी बात...'
    I would like to know your views on 'तप,यज्ञ,दान'.

  81. I liked your reply comments.Would like
    the read thoroughly again.I am learning
    a lot from you.Thanks a lot ,Saru.

    1. Criticism is very helpful provided we want to learn and improve. Thanks for reading and appreciating...:)

  82. Sara, check this post of mine and the contents are true and mean no flattery, they are the first impressions of the blogs as well as the titles

  83. Hi!I have just received the versatile blogger award and as per the rules i am supposed to pass it on to 15 fellow bloggers I liked. I have been a frequent visitor of your blog and really enjoy reading it.I would like to nominate your blog for "The Versatile Blogger Award" for its great content and versatility.

    1. Congratulations Mukta and thanks a ton for this honor...:)

  84. Uhh! Wait.. What is this? Have I come to the same place? Saru? A prose? WOW! Loved the topic and the your opinion.
    Criticism is important, but I feel there is way to put across a negative remark. Write more prose Saru.. :)

    1. See...lot has happened since you last visited. I have lost my track. :D
      Yeah, there is always a way to say something negative as well. Thanks for an encouraging comment Sahana...:)

  85. the thing about art is is very subjective..what i may may what i praise may find questionable......

    1. Agreed but bloggers just say nice things for reasons both of us know...:) It was written with an intent to make our work better with honest feedback...

  86. We critique according to our mind, which may not include others' perceptions. The thing I love most about art is being able to express it and appreciate beauty. In a way, there is no need to make it better. But again, that's one opinion :)

    1. All I wanted to say was whatever is our opinion, we need to speak the truth...:)

  87. Here it comes :)

    I and you are in age of written excess ;)

    But dont stop, if it results in actions for a better world. I think you too will outgrow, if you befriend a merited critic. Because a someone almost 800 years before asked
    "If You Are Irritated By Every Rub, How Will You Be Polished?"- Rumi

    Wonder you must have why only the like button (Commerce of course!). Are we embracing hate frequently, loving emotions more, and slipping further...?

    (For Love of Art?!! Sorry, sounds myopic....)

    Let there be love,
    Let there be no falsehood,
    Thats when we let all be.

    /A M.S(AnonyMouS)

    1. First, I apologize for a late reply.

      And, sure we are in the age where everything is put in black and white excessively.

      I would love to hug those, why only befriend? But, I want honest criticism. 'Like' button is Mark's creativity and you may be click it twice to negate the effect of 'like';)

      We are not embracing anything negative, we are purely going with the flow...

      No, it is not myopic. It was written strictly with regard to art. Hope can write on a better cause sometime in future, which may not sound myopic to a visionary like you:)

      Thanks for dropping by, wish could more about you...:)

  88. Agreed...sometimes i think if everyone who promoted the post read the post or not. As there are time i see random visit of 2 -3 - 5 seconds etc. yes...we need to be honest and look at a topic/subject from a more holistic perspective.

    1. I think those short visits are by people who follow your blog as they will promote to because they already know the quality of your work. Sure, we need honest opinion....:)

  89. this is one thing that has been going on in my mind for a long long time. you say it's not a negative thing, but i think it's negative in the sense it's downgrading blogging from a expressive and literary tool to a mere marketing place for your mediocre literary fancies.
    no offense to anyone, but people comment only to say few bare words like "awesome post", "beautiful poem" and such likes. why don't your criticize the poem if you thought it mediocre? just trying to increase your pageviews? i see such comments on my novel reviews, and i know many people don't give a heck about novel reviews or music album reviews. in such case they don't need to post a formality of a comment on the post, but still they do.

    1. I know what you are saying. I wish people can say what they actually feel. With some I know that they don't like as I understand the undertone now. Pageviews won't give you medals. I truly respect those who say the truth. You are free to say as you feel on my tacky poems.

      Thanks for sharing your view, Mohit. :)

  90. Criticism is a part and parcel of writing and publishing. Most of us thrive on it. Bu then yes it does take time to get used to it.

  91. Hi Saru , even though it would be a nice initiative to seek for a change however it has something to do with psychology and goes like this --
    someone like a heading/preview -->>reads the stuff inside of it --> if he/she like , will tell you why n how... otherwise no more waste of time if u ain't like.
    Now I disagree when you say that people are not fair expressing themselves beacuse if u hav a look at nay editor page of a good newspaper website.. there are people debating and having their honest opinions..let me know if Im lost in translation.
    I have been going through many bboks which talks about human behaviour and I suggest you to have a look on book which tell why n how people do what they do... trust me infinitely huge contribution have been waiting for you..
    well... no spell check run .. pardon me for the crudeness if u find any :)...ATB

    1. Well, I was with you till newspaper thing happened. :P

      Actually, going by the psychology, I think we need to change it. Changing it by asking people to be honest and telling them it is mutual. And I think it can be done. After publishing this post, I got so much honest feedback on my work and with my second post, I wish to attain a bigger percentage.

      And there is nothing crude in what you have written. We are here for healthy discussion and to improve ourselves. Thanks for sharing your views. I appreciate it :)

  92. I dont criticize easily, atleast not on a public forum. I think I would criticize something I didnot like, if I met you personally.

    Yes, I may disagree with your opinions, but I really cannot judge how good or bad your work is. Normally in my comments, I talk about specific lines which I really liked about your poem. Or the whole concept. And yes those lines I really like. I think I comment in that way. So about the other lines, either I dont understand them(so then I ask you about it) or I find them fine.

  93. First of all, you are a priced possession as a reader. You read and you are honest, that what matters, right? Now honesty has nothing to do with criticism. I can easily make out from your comment what you liked or what was not so good for you. Actually these posts are for those: a) Who comment without reading. b) Write extra sugar-coated comments.

    You are just perfect Jenny. :)

    1. Really touched Saru! You are some of the bloggers I really look upto (I hope you already know this). You know, after I comment, I check again to see what did you reply back. It gives a nice feeling :-) And today I just feel awesome!

    2. I do the same and honestly the feeling is mutual. Though, I must admit this admiration has grown after I read your deleted poem. :)


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