I'm Old!

Last week I completed a year in Blogosphere. Though it’s a great feeling but I would love to be a newbie again, it was so much fun. Now I am old, a year old here. Expectations have increased manifolds, there is less scope for mistakes and no pampering. 

Last year was one of the best in my life - I was interviewed, given awards, won a contest, called for a discussion on a TV Channel, Editors featured my posts. It was a learning experience for me, I evolved with every writing. I didn’t take the criticism to my heart or the appreciation to my head. I imbibed everything in my art and tried to become a better author. I took this journey with a mission to reach out to my audience and touch their hearts with creativity. I’m glad with the response I received from all of you. It has been a humbling experience. Thank you for being a part of my life!

I aspire to take my work to the next level in the coming year, starting with “Rousing Cadence,” which is releasing on 27th June, 2012.

Signing off with what I believe in - “There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers.”

~Saru Singhal~


  1. I must say you know the art of connecting with your reader and you are great motivator too because you woke up this Kumbhkarna from his sleep by giving your personal references. You are right expectation is very high. Whatever happened in last year was just the trailer, movie is yet to be realease.
    So my best wishes is always with you and congratulation for Rousing Cadence:)
    TC & keep flying:)

  2. Congratulations on your first bloggiversary. :)

  3. Yay! Let the celebrations begin :):) The future holds more such milestones and achievements. Many congratulations, Saru :)

  4. Congrats. You have done so much in a year. Also nice to hear about your book - I can see most of the co-authors are indibloggers.

  5. old is glittery gold my friend :)
    congrats !!!

  6. Dear Saru
    Congratulations on your first anniversary. You are an incredible poet and writer. You deserve all the awards and accolades that have come your way. Wishing you a bright and successful future and all happiness!
    Warm Regards Ram

  7. Many many Congatulations and all the very best for "Rousing Cadence".........

  8. Congratulations!! Wishin you all the very best to bring out the best writer in you with each coming year.

  9. Congrats! and I agree with you, being a newbie has its fun but being experienced has its advantages too.

  10. Hey congrats Saru! That's a lot achieved in the first year of blogging. All the best for the book!

  11. Congrats Saru! Definitely you will win a widely acclaimed International Award, in the near future. Your style of writing is superb. All the best!

  12. Dear Saru,
    Congratulations on your first Blogoversary! I know how it feels to be one year old...I celebrated my first Blogoversary in January of this year. You should be commended for what you have achieved so far. I wouldn't say you're old, but now more experienced (smile). Things can only get better from here on out. Wishing you all the very best with "Rousing Cadence" and much success and enjoyment for many more years to come. I love what you said in closing...so true! Thanks for sharing.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

  13. Congrats and wish u loads of luck and best wishes for the book :)

  14. Congratulations and best wishes!:)

  15. Many congratulations Saru! I'm glad I could find a great blog where I can learn as I come here and feel as I read. You've miles to go and best wishes and best luck for what's to come. :)

  16. Congrats dear and keep writing! :)

  17. I believe it was on June 13th right? Anyways, congratulations Saru, its been a privilege knowing you and reading you. :) And eagerly your book. All the very best. :)

  18. Congratulations Saru, frankly speaking it was an honour knowing about you through your blogs. Your blogs touch everyones heart and I wish it touches many more people in future...:) All the Best..:)

  19. My hearty Congratulations to you Saru for completing a year in this blogging world and establishing yourself as an inspiration for the other bloggers. You are a great talent! :)
    Best wishes to you for ''Rousing Cadence''

    Keep Writing and inspiring us ...
    Happy Blogging ,Saru!

  20. Congrats on your first year! I wish you many more happy ones in which you connect with us all.

  21. Congratulations!!! All the accolades are will deserved. I'm glad I discovered you in your early days, so when you become famous, I can claim, I knew you way back when... :) Continue to blog, may you never be short of words

  22. Hearty congratulations to you Saru. This is great to know about you.. Keep writing and keep blessing more and more poems from you pen.. All the best for you books.. Looking forward to read it..

    Someone is Special

  23. Saru.. first of all, many many congratulations. You have really come a long way! And I wish you continued success in your quest for literary greatness. Through your writing you have touched so many hearts and minds and struck a resonant chord with so many readers. I really admire your attitude towards the art of writing, your quest for learning and the way you take criticism in your stride. It is always an immense pleasure to read each and every one of your posts. Keep writing.

  24. Good on you Saru!! You are doing a great job touching the hearts of so many people around the globe! Power to you!!


  25. You had done so much in one year...Congrats :)

    village girl

  26. Gosh, you have achived so much in a year. Kudos Saru, you desrve all the accolades, and yes you are still so very very humble. Admiration and good luck!

  27. WOWO.. Excellent congrats and People who are good , get all what they deserve... Very good and I am so proud i know you :)


  28. amazing! one yr and so many awards, followers and love. who says newbies arent appreciated! keep up d good work :D


  29. you had an amazing journey Saru !

    all the best for all the future endeavours !


  30. 'I didn’t take the criticism to my heart or the appreciation to my head. I imbibed everything in my art and tried to become a better author. I took this journey with a mission to reach out to my audience and touch their hearts with creativity.'

    If you are taking criticism to your mind for learning and improvement and appreciation to your heart,not only your mission would be achieved ,but you would surely win the hearts and minds of your readers.

    Many many congratulations and all the good the wishes to you.

  31. Hearty congrats, Saru. Wish you many more laurels:)

  32. So true....it is important for the writer to connect with the readers...Congrats dear.

  33. Oooohhhh Many many many congratulations Saru!

    Hope you achieve much more in the coming years and continue being an inspiration to us readers :)

  34. hehe... app buddhi ho gayi ho..:P.. but u r young with thoughts,ur matter and ur WORDS..:)

  35. feel good that you want to be a newbie...what i believe,people attached to any art form may never die,they always exist & their thoughts are always new to convey something different every time.

    i'm a newbie!


  36. तोहफे नहीं लाया हू
    बस दुआ लाया हू
    कवि हू
    बधाई में भी कविता लाया हू
    बादल कड़कती बिजलिया
    बरसात में भीगे
    ज़िन्दगी के नए रंग लिखे

  37. Congratulations. You are indeed an inspiration. Looking forward to many more wonderful milestones.

  38. WOw , great . Enjoy every bit of it .

  39. “There is no good or bad author; there is only one kind of an author, that who connects with the readers.”

    Excellent quote, Saru!:) Truly reflects the work that you have been doing for the past one year.

    Your writing is simply magical and it has touched my heart so much. My prayers and wishes for your success and also for your upcoming book. And yeah, Happy Birthday to your blog-"Words"!

    *Happy Blogging* :):):)

  40. Very well said, Saru!:)Hearty Congratulations and wishing you many more years of wonderful blogging!

  41. Hey congrats.. i liked the quote with which you ended the post:)

  42. great, congrats on completing an year, and a bigger congrats for 'Rousing Cadence'. Go all the way..!!

  43. 59 people have said so much about you. let me be the 60 and all i want to say is continue with what you are doing. Best of luck and congratulations!

  44. Congratulations Saru. And all the best for Rousing Cadance. I am really looking forward to it. So, how does it feel, now that you are going to be a published author?
    Its been a privilege to know you and read your work. Keep it going.

  45. Congrats Saru!!! One year only??? I thought you were in this area for many years!!! Wow--what an achievement in such a short period!!!! And you are so utterly loved by so many in the Blogosphere!

  46. Hi Saru

    Hearty congrats . Like Bhavana I am also surprised that u have been around for only one yr . :) best wishes for many more accolades

  47. Congrats Saru. Well done!

  48. Very nice and the one year is sure interesting. Keep it going.

  49. Hearty congrats, Saru:) and here's wishing you more success:) God bless you!

  50. Happy Anniversary!
    It's pleasure to watch your genuine progress..
    Wish fulfillment of your expectation.

  51. Congratulations!! And Happy anniversary.

    I wish this year you rise to newer heights - AMEN

  52. You have achieved a LOT in 1 year congrats,greater honors await you !

  53. Great! I can see a very very rosy path ahead. Keep on enjoying what you are doing.

  54. Congratulations to you. You have achieved what many would dream off.

  55. Congrats Saru and even I'm celebrating my blog's anniversary :) but you have been more successful to ten folds as I blog not so frequently but I do try to keep up :)
    All the best and hope to read more beautiful poems from your lovely blog.

  56. Amazing Saru, great post loved it. Hope the next year is as great as the year before.

  57. Congratulations Saru. Here's wishing you many many years of blogging. Love how you signed off.

  58. जन्म दिन की ढेर सारी शुभ कामनायें,
    यूं ही लिखती रहे
    यूं ही कहती रहे,
    सूखे तनहा हों राहें या
    मन ठरकी हों बावरा या
    तकिये पड़ा शाम सबेरा
    सिलवटे गिनता चादर हों वो या
    दिन गिनता ये सुबह सबेरा.... बस यूं ही लिखते रहिये... बधाईयां

  59. Big congratulations and let blogging be a way to express what you want to without being in a rat race!!

    thats all that matters :)


  60. congratulations ... and waiting for "Rousing Cadence" :-)

  61. Hearty congratulations on your anniversary...wishing you many more successes to come!


  62. COngratulations Saru for the anniversary & Rousing Cadence:)
    May you celebrate many more such fab occasions!

  63. Congrats! All the best for the book too!

  64. Congratulations!!

  65. Hey Good to hear about your book :)

  66. Congratulations Saru, wish you have an even more fruitful year this time.

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  67. @Everyone - Thank you everyone for your wishes. It means a lot to me. :)

  68. Congratulations Saru.... All the accolades are well-deserved by you :) Keep going!

  69. Wow.Congratulation Saru....God bless you....all the best for your bright future.....love you....tke care

  70. Congratulations, and all the best for more achievements.

  71. Congratulations on completing a wonderful year in the blogosphere. I am yet to come across a blog which has so many commentators and so many views, in just a span of a year:)
    Congrats once again on 'Rousing Cadence' and i hope we will see a many more such offline projects from you in the coming years:) all the very best:)

  72. Keep smiling and blogging , giving all your avid readers delightful posts - Hearty congratulations on your fine awards!

  73. Congrats Saru. And guess what, its just the beginning :)

    Let the words flow..

  74. Congratulations, Saru!

    Write on...

  75. Good for you! Ignore the Grumblies.

  76. "I'm Old!".. ? No problem, stay young in heart and in your 'Words' :) Congratulations and let your words shine!

  77. many congratulations.
    You are an inspiration for me to write good posts....

  78. Hi Saru,
    Though I am a bit late here, i found that this place of yours is really and interesting place.
    Keep up the good work, though you are old just one year!!! miles to go before you......
    Keep Going
    Best Regards


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