Surf ki Kharidari mein hi Samajhdari hai!

Words that soak into your ears are whispered, not yelled.*

Now, yelling is something I am averse to; but one thing that I surely love is Words and you all know why. Most of the afternoons, lazing around, I feel like humming Words by Boyzone and soaking myself in the music and lyrics of this evergreen melody. Poor me, miles away from the luxuries of having a maid, is so tired on some days that I take a power nap. With a power nap, sorry, a prolonged nap comes a dream. Dream of diamonds, beach holiday, perfect home and at times, of cooking, ironing, washing clothes and having uninvited guests...

Yesterday during my mid-day slumber, I was dreaming of the LV Bag...but wait, cut two, I had an uninvited guest in my house. C’mon! Having an uninvited guest and that too in a dream; seems like there is no solace for my poor self. In a nano second, I was drifted from the LV store to my humble living room. You know the way it happens in a dream.

A pleasant looking Lalita ji, with a size 6 shilpa bindi and in polka dotted saree was folding my laundry while I was making tea for us. With the right mix of authority and concern, she asked, ‘You wash your clothes in a machine?’

‘Yes Lalita ji, in the building laundry room we have machines and dryers.’ I boasted, trying to show case the ease of life in the West. ‘...and you know, the clothes are dried completely and so warm as if they are ironed.’

‘That’s good but you still have stains on collars and hems,’ pat comes the reply that thrashed the superficiality I built a moment ago. But my undeterred attitude couldn’t handle it, ‘That’s OK, Lalita ji. Anyways, I have to throw these shirts away. They are very old.’ Lalita ji flicked her curls away, adjusted her bun, took the pallu of her saree in her hands and asked, ‘You know, how old this saree is?’

‘Looks new, you bought it this summer? Polka dots are in fashion and you look lovely in it.’ Seriously, I loved her saree and I was not lying.

She smiled and I could sense the pride in it. ‘Ramesh ji gifted it to me on our first anniversary!’

First Anniversary!!! Those words fell on my ears like a thunderstorm and I was grief stricken. It was like I bought a dress on full price and she bought it on 50% off the next day. The home maker in me couldn’t take it. I failed on managing my clothes. I couldn’t take this blow and with dampen spirits, I asked her in a low tone, ‘Really, how come? You don’t wash your clothes in machine. Is that the reason?’

‘No. No. I use machine but I am very particular about the detergent.’ She declared and this statement came as a ray of hope; even I could make a switch, I thought, to a better detergent and better home maker. ‘Which detergent you use Lalita ji?’ I asked with excitement.

‘Surf Excel Matic!’

‘Surf Excel Matic,’ I repeated. ‘...and for how long you soak the clothes before washing?’

‘Where is the time to soak? I don’t soak and also, there is no need. The new Surf Excel Matic has vibrating molecules which goes inside the stains and removes it,’ she explained in detail and Boy!...she knows what she uses. She is definitely a very good home maker! Good Choice, Ramesh ji!

(Lalita ji explained these facts on her iPad)

Top Load, Front Load, No Soaking and Zero Stains. Ten on Ten!

I love to soak, in music and in rain but no soaking of clothes for me please. It’s really embarrassing when at times I take wet clothes in the laundry room and Americans look with curiosity.  I got up and wrote ‘Surf Excel Matic’ in the things to buy list.

‘Thank You, Lalita ji!’ I took the empty tea cups away. Wait!!! But what about the stains I have on my clothes. Sigh! No matter how careful you are, you leave tiny memoirs on your favourite dresses. A perfume mark on a white top or a turmeric print when the naughty okra fell on my lap and stained my pink skirt. I turned towards her, my Wish Fairy who has the magical wand, Oops! Surf Excel Matic. ‘Any tips for removing tough stains, if you could share,’ I asked.

‘Saru!’  There was a bit of disappointment in her voice. ‘I never expected you would ask this question.’

‘Why Lalita ji, did I say something wrong?’ I never wanted to annoy my wish fairy.

‘A blogger asking for tips. You know how to use internet. Anyways, Log in to and look for stain tips on the left hand side,' she said. ‘...and removing stains is easier than finding keywords. Spare some time from promoting your posts on Facebook, Twitter and Indi and browse the surf excel website to know more about washing clothes.’

‘I will. I will.’ I nodded but I must tell you, I was a little ashamed of my unawareness.

‘And remember Saru, Surf ki Kharidari mein hi Samajhdari hai,’ she said with a splendid smile on her serene face.

And before I could ask my Wish Fairy aka Lalita ji any more questions, my most interactive reverie was snapped by a telephone ring. My mother was calling from India; she is coming to US in a couple of weeks and is driving me crazy with all what-should-I-bring routine. ‘I ordered for bakery biscuits, is there anything else you want?’ she updates me daily and asks the same question; but this time, for a change, I said, ‘Yes Mom, please bring two packets of Surf Excel Matic.’

Shocked with her daughter’s demand, ‘Why, don’t you get detergents there anymore?’ Now, how could I possibly explain the day dream to my mother, with Lalita ji’s words still lingering in my head crystal clear, ‘Nothing like that Mom, you know, Surf Ki Kharidari mein hi Samajhdari hai.’

So Ladies and Washer men, by quoting an old Oriental proverb, ‘Getting money is like digging with the needle, spending it is like water soaking into sand.’ I suggest...

Waste no more and Soak no more!
Switch to Surf Excel Matic and wear the crown of a good home-maker, 
just like Lalita ji!

(For those who don’t know our mighty Lalita ji, watch this TV commercial.)

* A Cowboy Truth.


  1. Nice dream Saru and why not if it can win a prize:) Best of luck for the contest!!

  2. Hehe.. Very well written Saru :) All the best for the contest..

  3. good brought up iin the fomr of story....liked reading it

  4. A well narrated dream.I was almost visualising it while reading it.Good luck Saru

  5. Hehehe...:) like the title and All the best for the contest.

  6. Superbly written & really amusing ! Was it really a dream or your incredibly creative imagination? Lalitha-ji has definitely left an indelible mark in many peoples minds and hearts which even Surf Excel Matic cannot remove :) Have a great Sunday Saru !

    1. I was trying to be a little creative here. I agree Lalita ji has a special place in the hearts of those who watched her in 90s. Thanks for a beautiful comment :)

  7. :)) nice ...after log time , .................mai vapis aayi hoon blog par aur shuruaat saru thumhari post se hui , musurati hui .........sundar post , badhai

  8. wow, bought back old memories. Quite nostalgic. Does this happen to you, have goosebumps all over when you look at these old ads and remeber those times!

    The post was interesting, kept me glued to the end and all your posts(the contest ones) have this one special thing, all have your personal expereinces. The phone one was the best, and this come after that! All the very best for the contest!

    1. Of course, I too get goosebumps. I watched few old commercials while working on this post. It was such a treat though:)

      Thank you for reading and for a beautiful comment. :)

  9. Nice one, Saru! You wove it really well :) Best wishes for the contest! :):)

  10. And when I came to the last line, You broke my reverie with mentioning the fact that it's really a fiction, though I had been thinking in the begining that would have been written for a contest but you have written so well that it made me feel otherwise. :)
    Lovely post!
    All the best! :)

    1. Awwww...You just made my day with this comment. Thanks Gayatri! :)

  11. You always come wih interesting ways of writing for the contests. While I can come up with nothing, and then the registration closes :) Good luck :)

    1. You are very talented Juhi, I think either you are not trying or finding time. Write, you will surely do great. Thanks for your wishes:)

  12. I just love the understated and almost self-depreciating humour in this post. Very nicely you have woven the story around Lalitaji in your dreams, took me back to the nineties when as kids we used to watch the re-runs of these ads. For a guy like me who has no idea what is Top Load or Front Load, this was an informative post. :P

    All the very best for the contest, Saru. :)

    1. Seriously, 90s was such a golden period, few serials and we were glued to them. You know I love watching ads. Glad to know that a guy learnt something from this post.

      Thanks for your wishes and a lovely comment :)

  13. :D :D
    I dont know what to say, except "Surf ki Kharidari mein hi Samajhdari hai!" :P

    Lovely post Saru di. Best of luck for the contest. :)

    1. That's the best thing you could say!

      Thanks for the wishes Anshul! :)

  14. wow...that was really an interesting read.....and Lalita ji, well how can we forget her...

    All the best for the contest...:)

    1. Yeah, how can we forget her.

      Thanks for reading Irfan!

  15. nice one :) I found interesting , I wish I could also have such writing skill, All the best for the contest :)

  16. Okay, For the past three hours I'm continuously reading blog posts.. Hmm.. Blog-a-Ton posts, I wished and I expected you would write, but..

    Okay.. Fine.. About the dream, Someone said months back, "WOW, I was thinking on writing on this topic but I can't. I don't have a brilliant imagination as you have to write a beautiful read. All the best and the timeline idea was just superb!!!"

    Oh Saru, What a post yaar!!! C'mon, Lalithaji and you.. Hmm Great humour filled post.. That's what I expect when I read a blog post.. Thanks for writing.. I'm sure you gonna win this time.. All the best..

    Someone is Special

    1. Thanks for liking the fiction. But not only the Faceline idea for Vodafone but the way you came up with the dove post was superb too. That was so true, a guy would actually gain a lot of confidence after his hair improve...and that was the end of his inferiority complex...Brilliant! I'm learning from creative people like you :)

      Thanks again for the wishes:)

    2. Thank you so much Saru.. Your words mean a lot to me.. :)

      Someone is Special

  17. ललिता को बड़ी सफल गृहणी के रुप में स्वीकार किया जाता है..उनकी बात तो माननी ही होगी..

  18. Nicely explained everything and you crafted story beautifully...this post contains all the essential element to win. All the best:)

  19. That was very interestingly woven to drive the points home. That ad is such a classic! All the best, Saru! Wish the best to you :)

    1. Yeah, ad is a classic. Thanks for your wishes Arti! :)

  20. LOL - very creative.

  21. As i read, I visualized this..

  22. Haha.. How nice.. Enjoyed reading it.. All the best for the contest :)

  23. Lalita ji , I rememebr that ad i am sure

    all the best wit hthe contest


  24. superb,fantastic write up ,found really intresting

  25. I use whatever detergent is on sale. A good write up.

    1. Good! Somehow I am very particular of brands I use. I think being flexible helps at times. Thanks for reading!

  26. स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ,सरू.

  27. What an interesting take on the contest prompt, Saru! The narrative is endearing and beautiful. Good luck! :)

  28. Saru because of you I remembered Lalita ji once
    All the best for the contest,its written very well.Good imagination and creativity...will be waiting to know the results... :).

    1. Thank you so much Rekha. I was hoping that you like it. Glad you find it interesting. :)

  29. Wow! This was so creatively done. You have really put in lot of effort into this. I am sure you will win this context. Lalitha Ji! - So nostalgic. I think she was heroine of another serial Udaan as well.

    1. Yeah, She is Kavita Chaudhary and Udaan was such a great serial, inspired from Kiran Bedi's life. Thanks for noticing the effort. I worked hard on presentation as I am not that well versed with computers.

      Your comment is very encouraging dear :)

  30. hahaha.... :)
    very nice one... humour+creativity+imagination and all these three at its peak....
    felt good while reading it... and all the very best for the contest... i hope that you will definately win...

    very very nice ...

    1. Thank you so much Ashish for a lovely comment and wishes :)

  31. :) interesting indeed! Cheers.

  32. LOL..brilliant take on the topic! absolutely creative genius! :))
    Enjoyed reading this, Saru...

    1. Coming from you it is a big compliment Ma'am. Glad to know that you enjoyed it. Thanks for your wishes :)

  33. Haha Lalita Ji .. :D All the best for the competition Saru :)

  34. super duper loved reading this post. very light, very informative, very interesting. cheers from me and lalitaji!

    1. Hehehe...Thanks Anuradha. Being a home maker, we both can say, courtesy this contest, Cheers to washing clothes!!!

  35. very interesting...wonderful creativity.
    Best of luck :)

  36. hahah...tis one's funny...Lalita ji n all...
    My lazy bum is yet to sit up and write ....All the best to you for the competition though :)

    1. Ghata you can write anything, anytime. it is for people like us who have to work hard. Humor and writing comes to you naturally.

      Thanks for the wishes and same to you :)

  37. very well written. all the best :)

  38. Oh amazingly well written! You have a great imagination. I see a winner here!

  39. Roping in Lalita jee was an excellent idea!All the best Saru.

    1. Thanks Ma'am. :) Whenever I think of Surf, Lalita ji comes to my mind, so mentioning her was unavoidable. :)

  40. best of luck :))))) very well written :)

  41. May be a day will come when we can just spray surf excel on the dirty cloth and it will be like brand new in a few mins- no need to wash, soak and dry...

    All the best for competition

    1. There are products like that for minor stains. I wish for the kind of products you mentioned, life will be so easy...

      Thanks for your wishes!

  42. Very nice... enjoyed the read! :)
    Good luck to you!

  43. You took me to Latita ji. God, how can we forget her? She made the surf brand. All the best :)

    1. Yeah, she made the brand. You know I always thought, I will be like her after my marriage :D Such an impact she had on me...

      Thanks for your wishes.:)

  44. hiii

    good one! All the best :D

  45. Oh loved reading this...took me back to those good old days!!

  46. awesome :) loved reading it :) i have also tried on it :) read it when you get time :) all the best!!

    1. I will, thanks for reading and sharing your link :)

  47. Replies
    1. No, the contest is still open. The result will be announced somewhere in October. :)

  48. Wow Saru.. I really love your style and method. You have come up with innovative ways of writing this and the way you have built it up with a dream and the ease and relevance with which events that unfold, the gentle humor and good detailing all along make it a lively, interesting and fun read. You have the awesome talent of making any subject interesting with your lovely writing style. It also made me nostalgic as I remembered all those ads. Beautifully written and all the very best for the contest!

    1. I wish the judges read this comment. :P

      On a serious note, it was fun writing for this contest. Thanks for reading and for a beautiful comment. :) :) :)

  49. You have put interesting 'masalas'in
    your presentation.Very interesting to read again.
    Wish you all the best,Saru.

    1. Thank you so much Sir. Good to have your blessings. :)

  50. Hi, new reader here! Thank you so much for this took me back 2 decades to that commercial...I had almost forgotten about Lalitha ji and her size 6 Shilpa bindi!!! :))

    1. Lalita ji is kinda permanently fixed in my memory. I always thought I'll be like her once married. :)

      Thanks for reading and welcome here :)

  51. as usual great post saru.. :) best of luck..

  52. and the other day i was watching these vintage commercials! kuram kuram, lijjat papad! ahahh those were fun days!

  53. ooo la la great post again Saru :) i am encouraged to write one. i wonder only few days left and thank god i saw ur post before the contest closed :)
    noone can beat u indeed...
    my good wishes with u always

    1. That's so sweet of you but I think it is not a serious contest post. I wrote it for fun. Good to know that you liked it and would look forward to read yours. :)

      Good Luck!

  54. very well coined post.amazing no. of comments too. crossed century. It is the charm of penning that people are drawn to the site.
    excellent. and best wishes.

    1. Coming from you, it is very encouraging. Good to see you here.

      Thanks a lot for the wishes and same to you as well. :)

  55. Hey Saru, I don't know about detergent but Surf People should realise that making your post as the winner "isi mein samajhdari hain". Your charming way of writing even about such a topic that people are interested in a detergent powder. Best of luck dear.

    1. LOL for the first line. I wrote this post for fun and glad to know you enjoyed and called it charming. Thanks for reading Swapna.:)


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