Fly ✈ Malaysia, Truly Asia on AirAsia

I was first introduced to Malaysia by my College friend, Swati. She lived there for 4 years and was always singing praises of Kuala Lumpur. ‘Is it that wonderful!?’ I asked her multiple times. Her point was vouched by Malaysia, Truly Asia commercial airing on TV Channels those days. So, one day I surfed all about this city of high-rise buildings and cosmopolitan culture. I must tell you, I fell in love with it for multiple reasons, each being stronger than the other. Since then, it has become my Dream Asian Destination. Fly ✈ Malaysia, Truly Asia on AirAsia The first thought that flashed my mind when I read about Kuala Lumpur was - A modern sibling of India. Why not? We, Indians, give extra importance to food and religion and in Kuala Lumpur, we get an overdose of it. In fact, you feel much at home with a variety of Indian food available there. Being a foodie and a vegetarian, this completely bowled me over. If we start a tour of this city, we can spend at...