200 and a lot more to go...

'Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ,' Robert Frost. And I truly believe in it. My first poem was ' When You Came '. I don't know what inspired it, may be a movie or another poem but I do remember, I wrote it in one go. There are several poems which I have written in one go and I post them without editing a single word. I may sound a bit narcissist but I love these unedited raw flow of words. It feels words are flowing and your pen, acting as its buddy, is scribbling it on a piece of paper. Oh yes, I write on paper and sometimes on my iPad, which I won for writing a poem . But even with edited poems, there is one thing in common - Your feelings; be it for the love of your life, December 16th or Facebook likes. You ought to feel it and write it that very moment. If you don't, the poem dies; in softer words, you have delayed its birth. So, it has to be spontaneous. You feel it, you write it. Few of my ...