Let's take a winter break, shall we?

Autumn is far away,
Of course, winter is far-far off.
Unhinged I brood,
Speculating reasons for our cold attitude.

Humanity even before that.
Cacophony subsided within days,
Reasons, I'm trying to speculate.

Come Summer,
Flipping channels, surfing net.
Concluding ~ Ourselves, our biggest threat.

Erase this from your memory,
Call them exception.
Alas, we are only good at ~
Pouring bouts of aggression.

Stand up against all wrong,
Have the courage, have the nerve.
Action most definitely,
Is louder than words.

Damp conscience; Act - let it be free!
Or, let's take a winter break, shall we?


  1. yes .. action speaks loundr than words always .. but then i think it has become human tendency to SAY and not do anything at all ..

    and we forget too easy .. too fast.. I wish this was not the case


  2. Yes, we forget too much and too quickly...maybe that's the pull of life-force in us because if we remembered too much we won't be able to move on. And yet if we don't remember what happened in the past we are bound to make the same mistakes over and over. This is true for individual as well as the collective.
    This is a thought-provoking poem, Saru! See much how I ended up writing in my comment here :) Very well written, Saru.

  3. Lovely poem.. Unconventional and thought provoking. :)

  4. Wonderful again, provocative and well written

  5. Yeah ' stand up against all wrong' alas! And when u do that get branded by family and frnds as a ' negative ' , ' cynic' and God knows what not. You know Saru what have I realised in my 50 years of existence. If it doesn't touch you then it doesn't affect you. Yeah for coffee table discussions and elsewhere it sounds good to tow in line otherwise kee fark painda hai is actually the general attitude. But shameless and relentless that I am...where I feel wrong I do voice it although I must admit can do much much more but chicken out knowing very well that those I am seeking to support me will be the first to desert me and not everybody can be Jesus Christ. Lovely to go through ur words which makes me think...words words words...it's all we use and finally words become harangued ....
    Pls come to my post and see...there's something I want u to see...then tell me.

  6. Wonderfully written! If only more people would stand up for others, the world would be a much better place...

  7. Saru, it is our attitude to life that needs to change but unfortunately we feel hurt only when something happens to us or close to us and become insensitive to what goes around us:( The anguish well expressed!

  8. I feel guilty reading this..Guilty ...

  9. And that winter break is no where in sight Saru. The message is getting straight to the heart.

  10. our souls are corrupt to sense it all! enlightening work.. thank you,

  11. This poem is so hard-hitting and in-your-face. I have asked this question to myself several times, have imagined myself in those situations and wondered, how would I have dealt such a situation? Would I also ignore and walk away like most others or would I stand up and do something about it? In my heart of hearts, I know the answer to that question but as you rightly said, actions speak louder than words.

  12. An eye opener. Indeed whole year just comes and goes with all seasons just like a kiss away! Wonderful one Saru.

  13. We are on winter breaks all our life...

  14. Superb! Yes, there are initial sparks that are there. There is no fire that keeps burning within us till justice is served.

  15. I read somewhere that 'one death is a tragedy, a hundred deaths a statistic."
    This, 'thank god, we're safe today' attitude is the source of troubles for the whole society tomorrow.

  16. We must "stand up against all wrong". Unfortunately, most of us 'stand up' only when we or our loved ones are victims. Are we really bothered when the victims are not directly connected to us?

  17. ...can feel the seethe!
    Wonderfully expressed.

  18. We forget so easily....really.
    made me ashamed... after reading..

  19. Yes we forget... and then when it hits back at we cry and make a ruckus and then again forget... we are all guilty :(

  20. Hardhitting! So well penned!

  21. We never really bother till we are directly connected to it,our own selfish motives and fears dampen whatever little spirit that awakens within us, kudos to u!

  22. we don't forget we ignore that what we do in reality .. every one seeks attention .. some who really care are overrunned by our system .. nicely done !

  23. Actions speak louder than words. True and Pen is mightier than sword. This is what the bloggers have been doing for the last so many decades.

    We are least bothered about others today and we don't even have time to care for others. Take some time from your busy schedule and open up the eyes to see this beautiful world and the beautiful people. Interact with people and help others with whatever you can, who knows your little help can bring a smile on someone's face.

    Nice one Saru. Kudos.

  24. a really awesome post ...loved it :)

  25. can feel this.. but this what we are known for right?

  26. Reading this made me guilty too.. Yes, we forget. Forget those hard hitting instances that once made our souls cry.

  27. Conscience-provoking. Beautiful.

  28. Hard Hitting!
    I hope this is to be read by the people responsible for such incidents. Such agony is forgotten so easily. Shame..

  29. It's an eye opener...I have always struggled with the idea of moving on to the idea of being apathetic...yes, life carries on, but scars do remain...

  30. I agree.
    Although, I have to say, no matter how hopeless things become, I get enough evidence in daily life that humanity isn't dead. That's somehow comforting.

  31. @Everyone - Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. :)

  32. Ah ! Indeed its time to take a winter break ... we forget too quickly , too easily, Its chilling.

    1. We move on way too easily, Kokila. Sad, but true.


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