Don't Be

Don't be fragile
People won't handle you with care
Unapologetically they will break you
Beyond any repair

Don't be mellow
They will take advantage of you
Will place you on sidelines
Once they are done and through

Don't be naive
Life isn't a fairy tale with a happy end
Most are playing a trick
Disguised as your friend

Don't be this or that
What would you be then?
Lost in oblivion, shapeless
Listless in crowd yet again

Be a child
Care for your own good
Be fragile, mellow, naive
And do what you should

Be as free as wind
Flow as if no stone can turn your path
A spark that lights a fire
Be a child at heart

Image - Point Pleasant, New Jersey, USA


  1. I like it Saru! Its my thought for the day - be a child :)

  2. Lovely words just summarizing the gist of life! One has to pursue his/her own happiness, with a child like enthusiasm, Saru:)

  3. being child-like and not childish is the key to happiness! Guriji Sri Sri Ravishankar also says that one should develop a child-like curiosity and happiness! Lovely poem Saru :)

    1. That is so well put. Thanks for a valuable addition to the post, Ankita.

  4. By being strong you may not win their heart but it will let you escape their pity. Good work.:)

  5. Rare to find people with such qualities !

  6. Your words always carry a deep message.Nicely weaved in rhyme

  7. This was too good. I wnt to go make sand castles by the beach now! Dont ask me why.

  8. You excel at poetry. Your words simple and meaningful. I loved it!

    1. Thank you so much for your generous comment, Rachna.

  9. The truth of life simply put... I could relate with everything..

  10. Some important life lessons here ... beautiful :-)

  11. Be what you want to be,
    Not what others think you should be:)
    Being a child is the only way to feel real happiness.
    Loved the poem.

    I have tagged you for the #willyoushave activity in blogadda. It is completely okay if you are unable to respond. Just wanted to inform you:)

  12. Be a child. A good message and love poem.

  13. Be a child
    Care for your own good
    Be fragile, mellow, naive
    And do what you should
    important life lessons in well easy words . These should be the qualities of a human being but most of the people treat him/ her as a foolish, who have these qualities.

  14. You began with the reality of life,ending with a valuable lesson.
    Great poem.

  15. Being a child makes sense.
    then, we can forgive & forget about those who take advantage of us :)
    Nice words, Saru :)

  16. That is wonderful. Delightful bag of prose, with each sentence expressing a tune of itself.

    Don't be naive
    Life isn't a fairy tale with a happy end
    Most are playing a trick
    Disguised as your friend.

    Amazing, poetry fills a lifetime void of emotions.

  17. And that is the story of my life.

    Bravo Saru you said it all. I never agreed to anything as much this. Brilliant!

  18. Wonderful lines and very inspirational one :)
    Thank you for such wonderful words.

  19. This is too good. I can relate to it.

  20. How wonderful to enjoy life with child-like wonder.

  21. Lovely words mantra always - be a child......enjoyed reading it through.....:)

  22. I can relate to this so much..Beautiful!

  23. lessons of life beautifully quoted :)

  24. How beautiful! Love the lines, " Be as free as wind
    Flow as if no stone can turn your path"

  25. Loved the lines Saru :)

  26. Be as free as wind, go and wander :)
    Loved it Saru

  27. strong like a gust of wind or gentle and innocent as a breeze!
    Enjoyed this one!

  28. Some lovely thoughts to keep in mind for life :).

  29. Love this. Too often we react in the same manner and others. We don't realise that these reactions over a period of time change us. Slowly this acquired behaviour becomes are defacto behaviour. A gentle breeze doesn't get into an enclosed space. I want to be as I am. Give me some rain...give me some sunshine...I want to be a child again....

    1. That would be perfect - being what we are. Having a childlike nature, makes sure we don't get affected by the madness around.

  30. Touched my heart..Every line makes so much sense.Beautifully written..Kudos!


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