The Other Side of Truth

I don't like the sound of lies
But I myself speak one or two
With a poker face many times
Hiding the truth through and through

Still I preach honesty
Like I am a saint and divine
Pretending to stall tall in a swamp
When I just lost my spine

Dare someone hides truth from me
I point fingers and I never spare
Playing the victim card so loud
Blaming - people are not fair

Then, there is other side of truth
The one with shades of grey
The one that comforts you, me and everyone
But is hard to essay

And there is a lie that flatters
Ringing music into ears
But the one that is bitter and brutal
Pinches you for many many years

You decide what is good -
Truth, lie or half baked lines
The other side of truth is -
It changes shades depending upon sides


  1. Whoa truly penned and so brilliantly composed.
    I read somewhere that people are not growing because they never hear truth presented in such a way so as to invite discovery.
    The ultimate test of truth is that it has the power to transform.
    It is my opinion too as you have expressed that people want to hear things that match their thinking. So sad!
    My experience..." The truth is everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. " Bob Marley and
    " The truth will set you free but first it will piss you off . "
    Loved this one too...thanks for sharing.

    1. The most meaningful comment on my blog. Thanks for sharing your views, Shivani. Truth has many dimensions and we choose what suits us but like you said, once we accept the real truth, it has the power to change us.

  2. wow! perfectly put the way we are always passing the blame around and for our own mistakes become advocates while for those of others, judges!
    loved it!

  3. beautifully expressed Saru! every time i read you, i learn more about how to write a good poetry :)

  4. That's true Saru. The other side of truth, very well penned!

    Someone is Special

  5. I prefer straight honest talking - but like everyone else, I'm guilty of the odd white lie.

  6. Every word rings the truth! Life is not really white or black but grey in most aspects, Saru:)

  7. Truly an "honest" post! Beautifully worded! A very unique topic to read on...

    I wonder, what inspires you write on such unconventional topics?

    1. Honestly, poetry happens!
      I just sit and write. :)

  8. Very well written...I agree that we often preach while we ourselves distort the truth many times!

  9. I agree..there is always another side of the does change shades with sides. Very profound and well penned... :-)

  10. Except in rigid systems like science and logic, truth is multi-coloured, kaleidoscopic. Your poem, especially the last stanza, reminds us of that.

    1. I"ll say only science. Most of us are devoid of any logical reasoning.

  11. Well I am no poet, but your poem is so true considering all the color changes we see in our politicians... and they all talk about the truth acceptable to them

    1. Ha! Politicians and truth in one sentence is an oxymoron.

  12. Well said Saru. There are no truth, only perspectives :)

  13. Very well said Saru. Life's all about the truth but as you say, there's lot about the other side which hides the truth to fulfill human desires.

  14. Well curated Saru! I generally do not look upon or read poems/musings, but I love and go connected to this one instantly. Wonderful indeed!

  15. "Then, there is other side of truth
    The one with shades of grey..."

    Well said Saru..loved it :)

  16. Beautifully expressed. Truth is indeed multifaceted. :)

  17. Yes indeed. The human nature well exposed! Love it!

  18. Beautifully written, Saru. The only thing I hate is compulsive liars.

  19. Beautiful, Saru!

  20. Amazing poem Saru.....truly heartfelt...loved it :)

  21. Loved every word! So, so beautiful and I can relate to it. Keep writing Saru, your words are magical.

  22. So very true !!! How our tolerance for truth changes depending on which side we are on. Lovely

  23. Makes me want to speak the truth, this was awesome! :)

  24. I don't think there is any side of truth, it is grey through and through.

    Wonderfully penned Saru :-)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  25. beautiful poem! it is said that a truth becomes a part of your past while a lie becomes part of your future....

  26. wow Saru mam.. beautiful.. TRUTH is something we all need to adhere to always .. Sadly although mostly it is not like that ..

    lovely poem


    1. Right! Thanks for reading, Bikram.

      Aur yeh ma'am??? *wondering*

  27. Almost all of us are like that, aren't we? We expect others to stay as close to the truth as possible but we ourselves stay far away from it many a time ;). Nicely done :D.

  28. True Saru! Truth today changes depending on which side you want to take!

  29. Lot of factors and most of them are selfish.

  30. I do that several times! Don't I? As if I am a Saint!


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