Read - Anywhere, Anytime...

The longest relationship I have ever had outside my family is with books. A book lover can definitely understand the depth of this statement. A book is not a couple of hundred pages sewn together. It is a magical spell that transports us to another world - full of hope, wisdom and it holds million promises. Before my marriage, I had my own mini library. When I last counted I had close to 500 books - fiction, drama, poetry, bestsellers and all prints of my favorite authors. After marriage, my lifestyle changed. We are a nomadic couple, we move every year or year and a half. Earlier, moving took a toll on my reading habits. With every move, I had to giveaway my precious collection, but not anymore. All thanks to wonderful e-books! Now I’ve even started building my own virtual library. Here’s a look into my library -

I buy a book at Delhi Airport and read it during my extended halt at London. Depending upon the weather, I switch between books, courtesy the virtual library I carry with me on my iPad. If it’s a short story by Jeffrey Archer in the morning, it is Sita by Devdutt Pattanaik in the evening. Not only that, I buy books when I am waiting for my girlfriends in a coffee shop. You see, buying books has never been this easy before - it’s just a click away. Yesterday, while I was waiting for rice to come to a boil, I bought Dan Brown’s Deception Point. You must be wondering - where I buy? Well, I use an app - FlipKart eBooks. It’s very easy to buy on it. What I like most, in addition to one-click-away download, is its Book Stand - a visual interface where I get to know the latest releases, best sellers, books on various genres, even books under 100 and free ebooks. When I am looking for a specific type of book, I simply click on the Categories and the application guides me through. Like, couple of weeks back, I was looking to add a new project to my hobbies. This app helped me to narrow down to one book - ‘Interior Decorating on the Cheap!’ by Debra Moore. A perfect book for me!
FlipKart eBooks has changed the way I read, shop and store books. I am using it for more than 15 months now and I am loving it. Ernest Hemingway said, ‘There is no friend as loyal as a book,’ and I agree with her. With books, you are never alone. And in the hi-tech world, where there are many ways to connect with friends - we stay in touch with our friends 24X7 using Facebook, Whatsapp and Twitter. Similarly, one can stay in touch with books, your loyal friends using FlipKart eBooks. Buy, read, surf, search and lose yourself in the world of books. FlipKart eBooks is an incredible way to connect with books.

As summer is in full swing in many parts of the world, and summer vacation and travel will fill many itineraries, add books to your collection. You Are What You Read, Read Smart This Summer - buy and read anywhere, anytime.


  1. Technology has definitely made it easier... No matter how much I love my paperbacks or hardbounds, I have to rely on the damn Kindle if I have to get any reading done in this day and age.

    1. Same here. We love paperbacks, but ebooks are our answer to fast paced life.

  2. SITA my favorite!!! and yes, books are magical port to the other world.....awesome!!

    1. Sita is a good book. There are lines that melt your heart and pour wisdom.

  3. I had to leave so many cherished books behind when I got married. Oh yes, I am a big sucker for books. But somehow, I haven't caught on to ebooks so much. Of course, during travel they are the best deal. I have bought ebooks on Flipkart. They are reasonably priced and the son loves them.

    1. I feel once you start reading them, you get used to it. For me, the good thing is I can read them at night without disturbing my husband. There is no need to switch on the light. Try it, you will get used to it.

  4. Very true Saru! Books are indeed one's best friends. I also love books for they take us to all corners of the world and all depths of imaginations. I do have lots of books on my hard drives and some packed back home. I haven't tried flipkart yet as my collection is sufficient for a long time to go.

    1. When it's over, do try Flipkart. They have a huge collection and is reasonably priced.

  5. Downloading ebooks and maintaining a virtual library on the ipad or kindle is most convenient for all bookworms :-)

  6. I love to read on iPads or Kindle but short articles or short stories. Never gave in for a book. But after reading your post Saru, I think I would have to give it a try :) Nice one. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. You should, you will love it. You can read it anywhere. Like I said to Rachna, if you share your room with someone, you don't disturb others. Endless benefits. Plus, ebooks are cheaper than paperbacks.

  7. Books are my friends as well.

    No doubt, the App world has become popular to help the busy life we live. No need to go to a shop or even go to your computer. :)

    1. True that, Nisha. Apps have made life much easier.

  8. I fully agree with you. Unfortunately I have stopped books for myself. This has been passed to my son now. He will read anything and everything.

    1. Great! If he is old enough, he can maintain his own virtual library.

  9. Agree - entirely! Also- have a huge collection of 'real ' books ....

    1. What did you do with your books when you moved to India?

  10. Technology has made the things easier for us. Downloading ebooks and keeping them arranged in an organized manner- never was so easy-peasy.... :-)

    1. Very true, I just love the look of my virtual library. And, no need to dust them either :)

  11. Yes...thanks to technology that I have now thousands books stored within a 7x4 sq inch place. ..I mean my tab :D Long live Flipkart! I enjoy quick downloading of ebooks and reading anywhere anytime, even in the dark :) but I also love the smell of new books which I have started missing these days.

    1. Yes, you are like me. Dark is no more a reason to put reading aside. Even I love holding paperbacks, but my constant moving has taken a toll on that.

  12. This is good actually. Nice way to keep yourself connected with the Books all the time.

  13. yes true, technology has changed the way we look and use so many things, be it books, music or even our friends..

  14. I have a Kindle, which I love. I can now carry hundreds of books in a slimline device! Love it.

  15. I still haven't taken to e-books, even if I did put out one :)

    1. Really, that's surprising. You should try it, at least your own book. :)

  16. I love my Kindle and I have the flipkart e-books on my phone too.

    1. Cool! It must be more convenient on phone. We carry it all the time.

  17. nothing like holding a book in hand, pillows high up ,cozy in bed:-)

    1. I agree, but as long as I am reading, I don't mind whether it's book or app. :)

  18. Thanks for the list. I have got plenty of options to select my next book. Of this list, I have read "The Kite Runner" which prompted to read "Thousand Splendid Suns" very recently.

    1. Both are modern classics. Do share what you read next...

  19. There cannot be a more loyal friend than our books:)

  20. I love ebooks as well as audio books. Well, liked the flipkart thing. :)

    1. I haven't tried audio books yet. May be, when I am too old to read.

  21. I am a hard core book lover too ! And this quite useful information for every booklover :D Thanks for sharing this !

  22. I try reading books but not a very good reader :)

    Scarf Dress

    1. Start with a thriller. I helps in developing the habit of reading.

  23. Past: searching for books from one store to another
    Present: One click and you buy a book

    Life has come a long way and made it easier for us than even before.. All thanks to technology.. Its great to have a e-bookshelf of your own.. :)

    1. Very true. Things have changed for better, all thanks to technology.

  24. Reading is a great hobby and habit. Books can be great friends. In this day and age of internet, reading habits are becoming extinct. Most of us have short attention span.

    1. Yeah, that's where ebooks come handy. One can carry them all the time and whenever you are free, you can read a few pages.

  25. Reading is one habit everyone should have. Ebooks have made reading easier; you can always carry your library with you. :)

    1. Precisely the reason, I shifted to ebooks. :)

  26. I should turn on my reading mode and read more like I used to be. i have tried ebooks. They are very handy. Nice article, Saru :)

    1. Yeah, I am back to reading and now have to buy more books. Any recommendation?

  27. Being a crazy bibliophile, I can totally relate to this article. I keep reading both ebooks and paperbacks, whichever feels convenient at a particular time. Books are my savior, the most persistant companion who drive away the loneliness with such ease. Amd your library is awesome...The diary of a young girl and Life is what you make it are my favorites among them :) Keep reading dear and keep writing such beautiful posts that brighten up our mood always :)

    1. Those are two good books. You are right, books drive away loneliness with ease. Thanks for reading Purba! :)

  28. Very truly projected Saru! Books are indeed our best friends. :)

  29. Love books but yet to make the transition to ebooks. It makes sense though to collect ebooks with time and space constraints.

  30. Late in reading but not too late:) E books have changed the world of books but the crisp pages and smell of paper as you flip pages can never be replaced for those who have enjoyed it, Saru!

    1. I agree, Sir. With my life, I had to make that transition and I am loving it too.

  31. I am a book hoarder. When the kindle had just come in, my father gifted me one...but after the initial curiosity, its charm never really had a lasting effect. For me, nothing beats the romance and smell of real books (both old and new)! :)
    But yes, for people who are always on the go, putting together virtual bookshelves makes more sense. :)

    1. Yeah, that's why I love reading ebooks. It's handy!

  32. Still to make my transition to e-books. Have been thinking of making a shift to e-books but haven't yet been able to get out of the feeling of crisp pages and the smell of a new paperback.

    1. You should Aseem. You travel a lot and ebooks are perfect travel companion.


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