When parents are our buddy, When home is the place we have most fun. Gliding on the clouds of bliss, Where laughter is shared equally among old and young. Everyone listens, everyone cares, Be it mother, father, daughter or son. There - parenting becomes a joy ride, ...and khuljaye bachpan! I come from one such home, Where encouragement was in abundant supply. Be it starting my very own business or traveling alone abroad, I was told to look ahead and fly high. There was always a balance between caution and care, Our parents never snubbed us to go anywhere. Logic-reason-desire ruled above age, Failures were dealt with consolation and never with rage. It was more of friendship that bloomed while growing up, . ..and khushi ke pal filled our days with a midas touch. There was nothing we refrained to share, Moments of shame, dread or even despair. If my brother had a crush, they knew, Or the emotional stress I went through. If I bunked ...