How I Met My Brother, Finally!

My brother is seven years younger to me. As a little girl, no one waited for him like I did. No one... not even my poor mother who carried him for 9 months. Every time my mother came back from her regular checkups, I went straight to her bedroom and searched both sides of my mother. ‘Mommies always bring babies from the hospital,’ my little mind thought. I used to pace around my mother’s bed, I used to be in a constant state of worry - ‘Where is my brother?’ There were days I blamed my mother, ‘She must be late and they closed the hospital.’ Maybe, she didn’t like the babies available. Ok, let’s wait till they update the stock! Trust me, it was very taxing to work through my emotions.

But my worst memory of my kid brother popping in this world was when I saw my mother lying on the bed and a strange thought came to my mind - we kept new things in the storeroom adjacent to the bedroom and I thought, maybe, my mother kept the new baby on her woolen trunk. Oh boy! What if he falls off? My mother has no sense - New babies should be handled with care!... I thought. I ran into the storeroom and found nothing. I can’t tell you, how relieved I was. Thank God! But I gave a good stare to my mother as I passed by her that day.

Days went by and mommy didn’t bring my brother home. I was disturbed, I wanted him to arrive before my birthday in December. I wanted to show him off to my friends. You see, I always had the sole ownership of everything new in my home. And, I loved to flaunt. The waiting was taking a toll on my emotional health. But thankfully, a neighborhood wedding acted as a stress buster. I was all perky and excited about it. I went into great lengths to be the center of attraction. I bought a new dress, stood in front on ‘ribbon-cutting’ ceremony. My little heart needed a break from the stress of baby arrival and I wanted to enjoy every bit of it. The wedding was great, I got 20 rupees as my share from the Joota Chupai ceremony. Later that night, when we were watching a movie on the VCR, my father came and asked me to get up. What, leave the movie?!? He told me that I am a big sister now... but I was not at all excited. In fact, I cursed baby’s sense of timing. I preferred afternoon when I came back from school or in the evening. Gosh, there was no ‘Baby Home Delivery’ service too!

Half-heartedly I went to the hospital. My aunt was super excited, as if she got three stars in her Maths homework. She took me into the room, my mother was lying there, but there was no baby by her side. What, still no baby! Then, she pointed in one direction. He was in the crib. I looked at him, he was the most precious thing I ever saw. He was an angel. He still is. His eyes were closed, but the moment he opened them, my little self was confused. It was a happy confusion. I was happy... but why was I not laughing? I was not sad… then why my eyes were wet? I wanted to hold him... but my hands didn’t move? I was at a loss - later I came to know that’s what babies bring - a sea of emotions, too difficult to comprehend for a seven year old.

When I went back home, I gave my sleeping mother a dirty look. The only thing I wanted to say to her - Woman, keep the baby by your side. Mommies are supposed to do that!

So, my brother arrived 15 days before my birthday and I felt like a movie star. I had a ‘Brand New Brother’ and I distributed two Melody toffees, one pencil, one rubber and a chewing gum to my class. It was the best birthday distribution ever in our school. But sadly, my evil mother didn’t allow me to give Melody to my brother. ‘He is a baby,’ she said. Like I didn’t know. Hell, she didn’t know - ‘I don’t want Melody, no kid ever said!’

Finally, by mommy's side on their Vaishno Devi trip
* * *
P. S. - A gift to my brother on this Raksha Bandhan... as, there is no better gift than gift of words.


  1. This is so heart-touching and beautifully narrated! :)

  2. This is so heartwarming Saru, loved how beautifully you've expressed your intense emotions for your brother :)

  3. Nice post, Happy Rakshabandhan! :)

  4. Such a beautiful story!

  5. Aww...lovely post for Raksha Bandhan. Saru, I can understand your emotions. I used to run around telling everyone that we are getting a brother long before my bro was born. :)

    1. Hehehe... Done that too, Kiran. I was a super excited sister. :P

  6. What a lucky brother he is to have a sis like you. A really lovely post on the Raksha Bandhan day :)

  7. So sweet. I hated my brother when he was born because suddenly I was dislodged from my jhoola bed, my razai was given to him and he cried all the time. :) We share such amazing relationships with our siblings. This was such a cute read. Happy raksha bandhan to you.

    1. Was it that velvet razai? If yes, then I share your feelings.

      Wishes to you too and thanks for reading, Rachna.

  8. Best gift from a sister to a brother.. My brother is 11 years younger to me, I can understand how it feels like.. He is like a baby for me :)

  9. Very beautiful and sweet! Your brother must be proud of such a doting (Ah, well! A bit too doting!) sister.

    It was so true, when you described your emotions after seeing him. The sea of emotions! It always happens with me. All the carefully laid plans are awry, when we confront the much awaited event.

    Loved the entire tale! :)

    1. So true. Apprehensions are eroded.

      Thanks for reading, Rakesh.

  10. This is so sweet Saru! Specially loved the nanny type advice of yours to your mom to keep your baby bro by her side. :-)

  11. For a moment I was remembering the series how I met your mother. That's a very sweet post and a nice testimony on the special day.. Kudos :)

  12. Wow, lovely words. Simply mesmerizing Saru. Nothing is as better than your words and this is going to be a greatest gift to your brother. Loved it!

  13. Awww, this is so sweet, I can so relate to you

  14. Very nice post! Loved reading this:)

  15. So sweet Saru..relation between brother and sister is always sweet and precious..lovely penned..Happy Raksha Bandhan to you..

  16. A great gift indeed! Precious and unique too!

  17. Wonderful as usual! A gift your brother will long cherish!

  18. Congratulations ! Your post has been featured on Spicy Saturday section of BlogAdda. Check here
    Cheers :)

    1. Thanks, Team BlogAdda. I am a sucker for Tangy/Spicy picks. :)

  19. Read it in FB.
    A superb read Saru.

  20. Beautiful Piece...Simply beautiful..the same thing is happening with my nephew..he is eager for his sister but too sad he wasn't fortunate like sis lost her baby in the 6th months :(...I just remembered his sad face 15 days ago...he thought his mom is going to hospital and she'll come with a baby and this year he'll have a sis to tie rakhi :(

  21. Awesome!! Beautifully captured.

  22. What a sweet post! Happy Rakshabandhan :)

  23. Very beautiful ! Reflects a 7 year old girls thoughts and feelings very well !

  24. Just so beautiful. At a loss for words, after reading this. :-)
    Keep hearing a similar account from my elder sister.

    1. I can totally relate to her. Thanks for reading, Nandana.

  25. Aww that is so sweet..For me, my little brother is one of the most precious things in my life and I feel so "mother" about him.

  26. Lovely narrative with all sister love wrapped like a lovely gift! Stay blessed Saru:)

  27. WOWWOWO.. words say it all SO true. I envy your brother now :) he is blessed to have a sister like you Saru.

    God bless you both.


  28. What a beautiful story.. I am sure your bro is very proud of you too. And I loved the concept of Brand NEW brother :)

  29. thought so much as a 7 yr old and remember it so vividly till date....this would be the best birthday gift for your brother :-)

    1. It was a Raksha Bandhan gift. And yes, I do remember all these things vividly.

  30. beautiful post, Saru. touching.. emotional. and i love melody chocolates :P

  31. Such a beautifully told account ! Loved it :)

  32. Such a sweet one. Loved it! The sarcasm is so cute.
    Did you get a chance to read my post? I also wrote on my brother and that's the only common thing. I have shared memories and you may like it :)

    1. No, I was busy with nothing. Reading it now, Parul. :)

  33. Sweet Post.So Beautiful.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  34. Awww - I really loved reading this.

  35. Your brother is really lucky to have a sister like you!

  36. Such an emotional peace!! at some sentence...i was almost in tears..! Your last sentence is ...really WHOA!!! superb!! Awesome!! and all such adjectives for this piece!!!best gift!!!

  37. beautiful narration from a 7 year old's perspective :)

  38. This is so touching
    can imagine u as 7 yr old and he as a toddler
    Stay blessed

  39. Indeed the best gift you could give your little Brother. Stay blessed! The best and straight from the heart post I have read in days. :-)

  40. Beautiful post! :)
    Your brother is very lucky! :)

  41. OMG, OMG, OMG.
    That is the cutest story I've read in a while. How did you manage to get back into that 7 year old's head again?
    Too good! Love this post!

    1. I remember everything quite vividly. Thanks for reading, Dee. And, for such a warm comment.

  42. Wooww..!!! This is such a cute post.. Honestly, the best I've read so far.. the terms that you have used for your mom and brother.. they look so innocent and cute at the same time..!!!

    Hats off to this post..!!


  43. This really really made me smile!! Very cute post :)

  44. How sweet are the imaginations of little Saru! Loved it! I don't remember what I was thinking about the little one in Amma's womb, I was just 4 years old when my little brother was born... lucky you, you remember all those crazy thoughts :)
    TC... Keep smiling :)

    1. I do remember, luckily. Thanks for reading and good to see you here after a long time. :)

  45. Such a sweet story of sibling love Saru ! Great to see your relationship so strong with your brother !

  46. Such a beautiful narration..overloaded with innocence and affection..your brother is very lucky

  47. Lovely,heart-touching and hilarious.


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