eSmart Term Plan - A Smart CHOICe

First time I look an insurance policy, I waited with my mother in a government building for hours. It was a cumbersome, lengthy and delayed process. No wonder, my zest for investment died then and there. Our generation likes to work fast, without any hiccups. We want things to be available at our fingertips. And why not? Also, if it involves our money, we should know the finer details of it. But there is always a question of trust when it comes to handling money matters online. Well, no worries! Check - with the backing of three reputed financial organizations, this microsite is the solution for our insurance needs. As I am revamping my financial plan for the year to include more investments, eSmart Term Plan caught my attention. I am looking for a long term policy to cover the contingencies. And ‘eSmart Term Plan’ fits the bill perfectly. It’s a term plan with a surprisingly low premium. To be very honest, ease of getting this plan is more inviting. Whe...