
Showing posts from April, 2022

Rewind - March 2022

This is what I wrote in March. Not very much. Still I am happy. I am doing what I want to do and simultaneously writing. So far, so good. Date Published 03/03/2022 मेरी ख़ामोशी का सबब वो समझ पाया उसके मेरे दुःख इतने मिलते-जुलते थे 03/05/2022 From all the wonderful things people can do with their tongues, it's a pity they choose to spew hateful words. 03/05/2022 There is a perpetual sadness residing in the deep recesses of poets' hearts. Like a landmine, it explodes when someone walks over it. The anguish, pain and destruction are enough to damage them all over again. And yet like a Phoenix, they rise only to be massacred again by someone they love. 03/09/2022 समाज की माने तो शराब पीने से औरतों का चरित्र कम होता है  और मर्दों का सिर्फ दुःख  कसम से ज़्यादा शराब पी कर भी इतनी बेतुकी बात कोई औरत नहीं कहेगी 03/14/2022 जनाब खुद जैसे खोखले इंसान को समंदर कह के आपने समंदर गंदा कर दिया 03/28/2022 There is a thing with unrequited love - the novelty of it never wears off, the intensity o...